Chapter 48

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This night had been insane. It seemed as though it was even busier than usual, and Maddie was kept running non-stop. She'd made more drinks that night than she had in a while. She'd definitely earned her paycheck. But she'd also barely even seen John.

They'd come back after their trip to the pack clinic and grabbed some dinner, then spent some time in John's room alone, just relaxing together on his bed, Maddie curled up in his arms, perfectly content. There hadn't been any sex, just cuddling and she hadn't even minded. She enjoyed being in his arms so much.

She'd done most of the talking, though he'd occasionally ask questions. She'd told him stories of growing up in the hotel and it had made her happy that he was willing to just lay there and listen to her, and he seemed pretty content too.

He hadn't said much, but she realized he didn't remember anything from his own childhood right now, and it sort of broke her heart. She couldn't even imagine what he was going through, not knowing anything about himself. How lonely that had to be. She was glad he was here with her now. He'd always have her.

She didn't want their time together to come to an end, but eventually, she had to head back to her room to get dressed for her shift that night. Then she headed down to the saloon to prepare for the busy night.

Maddie always got their first, and spent her time prepping things the way she liked them for the night. Then the servers and bartenders would wander in, followed lastly by the dancers. Maddie wondered if John was going to dance. She sort of hoped not. She didn't like the idea of women oogling him while he was mostly naked. It was bad enough they did it while he was shirtless. But she wouldn't say anything.

John was aware she was jealous. She knew that. He'd also reassured her multiple times that he only wanted her. It still annoyed her though but she'd learn to deal with it.

The place was packed, which wasn't too much of a surprise, and she'd spent the majority of the night making drinks. She'd see John occasionally, but he was so busy, they didn't have time to talk, or sneak away and make out, something she'd hope to have a few moments to do with him, but there was no way tonight.

She'd watched Luke's daughter Katie come in with her friends and hit on John, something that had really annoyed Maddie, but there was little she could do about it. Luke could end up kicking them off pack lands if they caused problems. She doubted he would though. She knew Luke had a soft spot for her mother. Unless something major happened, he wasn't likely to kick them out of their home.

But Maddie had kept an eye on Katie and realized the she-wolf wasn't letting up. She was determined when it came to John, and that irritated Maddie to no end. She watched the she-wolf touch him over and over again, until finally Maddie had enough.

Maddie ended up going to find her mother and letting Rita take care of it. She despised how much Katie felt the need to put her hands all over John, and wasn't upset when the she-wolf left with her friends. Good riddance to her. Katie was entitled and self-absorbed and Maddie wondered if anyone has ever told her no. She has a feeling the she-wolf just expected John to do whatever she wanted, including accepting her advances.

Maddie had expected Luke to turn up at some point after that. She knew he would be curious to see who had beaten his Beta, and if John was a threat to his pack or himself. He also might ask questions about what had happened with Katie, if she'd gone home and complained to him. Maddie was actually surprised he hadn't shown up yesterday. She'd half watched for him all night.

But Maddie knew Luke was calm and calculating. He never did anything in a rush. If he hadn't shown up after John's match with Rhys, there would have been a reason for it.

"Madeline," he greeted, nodding his head to her as he sat down at the bar.

"Evening Alpha. What can I get for you?" she asked politely. She already knew what he'd want to drink. Moonlight Bourbon. The only alcohol that would get a werewolf drunk.

"Bourbon," he responded. "And a conversation with your newest employee."

She nodded. Of course. "I'm surprised you didn't show up yesterday." She sat a shot glass down in front of him and poured his drink for him.

"I had something even more important to take care of," he responded quietly as he lifted the shot glass, saluted her with it and downed it. "I'm going to sit at my usual spot when it clears. Send him my way in a little bit. I know you're busy."

"Of course," Maddie agreed. She really didn't have a choice on the matter, but tonight just felt off, and if she had her way, she'd get John and leave. She longed to just be alone with him again and away from the women and pack politics. John being an unknown werewolf on Sierra Nevada Pack lands wasn't really a good thing. Especially if he was a rogue. Though maybe if he talked to Luke, they could possibly find out what pack John was from. Or convince Luke to allow John to have surgery.

Her gaze darted around, looking for him. It had been so stinking busy tonight, she'd barely had time to think. But then she spotted him across the saloon, talking to a brunette who was sitting by herself at a small high-tip table. Maddie looked the woman over, but didn't recognize her. She wasn't a regular.

Maddie let her gaze move over John appreciatively, as he turned and headed her way. He was so incredibly sexy. Her gaze trailed down over his abs and she swallowed hard.

"I need an Amaretto Sour," he said once he'd approached the bar, smiling that sexy smile of his at her.

"Okay." She turned her attention to making his drink for him, wondering if it was the brunette who had ordered it. She'd half wondered if the woman was a she-wolf but perhaps not.

John disappeared again to check on his other tables while Maddie finished his drink. He was back a few moments later. Maddie leaned in close to him. She needed to let him know about Luke. "See the guy down at the end of the bar?"

John glanced down that way and then looked back at her and nodded.

"That's Luke," she told him, handing him the drink.

He met her gaze in understanding and then turned and headed back over to the brunette to drop off her drink.

Maddie sighed softly, glad this night was almost over. She met Luke's gaze again and he lifted a brow her way, then stood and headed back to the booth he usually sat at. He wanted to see John now.

Maddie headed over to John, eyeing the beautiful woman who was talking to him. She had long brown wavy hair and blue eyes. Maddie stopped next to John, touching his arm. "Hey, Luke wants to talk to you."

"Excuse me." John said to the woman, turned and followed her back over to behind the bar.

"He moved down to the booth all the way in the back." She watched him sigh and nod. He could be so quiet at times, but she supposed that was just the way he was, or at least this version of him. She wondered how different he'd be once he got his memories back. Was he normally this quiet? Who was John really? She did like him this way, this quiet sexy man who was constantly aware of her and who was an amazing kisser.

He walked away and headed over to the booth, while Maddie turned her attention back to the bar, and the time. It was almost closing time, and the saloon had mostly emptied, something she was definitely thankful for. She was so over tonight. She just wanted to go back to John's room and crawl in bed with him. A bit of sex and some cuddle time would do them both a world of good.

She focused on starting to put things away. She always returned the bottles of liquor back to their spots so she wouldn't have to worry about that at the end of the night and she generally cleaned as she went, but tonight she hadn't really had time to do as thorough of a job as she usually did.

The sounds of screaming drew her attention and she glanced around as fear hit her. People were rushing to get out of the saloon and the lights suddenly came on. The dancers on stage jumped off and headed into the crowd while Maddie watched in shock. What the heck was going on?

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