Chapter 39

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She looked around his room, which was the same as earlier including Susie in the middle of his bed and smiled as she walked over and stroked the cat's soft fur for a moment, collecting her thoughts. Then she turned back to John. "How are you feeling?'

His gaze trailed over her again, making her warm. "Good," he muttered, then his gaze moved back up to her face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright," she murmured. I'm horny, John. I want you to just take me to bed and have your way with me. I want you to fuck me three ways till Sunday.

He closed the distance between them, though he didn't touch her, much to her disappointment. "Are you really? After everything that happened tonight?"

She nodded. "Tonight was easier. Even with the body shots. It's different now that we're together."

He nodded, his expression serious, and full of concern. "Because you're the only one I want, Maddie. Always remember that. Having them all touch me was..." He got a look of disgust on his face. "...repulsive."

She could see the sincerity in his eyes as he said that. If he'd enjoyed it, he'd done a good job of hiding it when it was happening, but he'd mostly kept his eyes on her, and his face impassive. "Do you ever have women try to sleep with you?" she asked curiously. 

He snorted. "Frequently. I don't know how many invitations I received tonight." His face registered his disgust for a moment before it disappeared.

Jealousy shot through her hard and fast. "Have you slept with any of them?" She regretted it the moment the words were out of her mouth. She didn't need to know that. If he said yes, it was just going to upset her. She knew that, and yet she'd still asked anyway. She was a glutton for punishment.

What he'd done before today was really none of her business, but still, she knew she'd feel like he cheated on her. Her connection with him had started the moment their eyes had met across the front desk. She would always think of it as before John and after John. Before she met her soulmate and after. When her life had been irrevocably altered. And hopefully it would never be before, during and after John.

"The only woman I've slept with that I can remember is you. In my dreams. Practically every. Single. Night. I've fucked you over and over again," he said quietly as he suddenly reached out and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tight against him so that she had to tip her head back to look up at him.

She wondered how tall he was. "How tall are you, John?"

He blinked at her question. "I don't know."

Then it clicked what he'd just admitted to her. He'd dreamed about her too? "You dreamed about me?"

He suddenly scoffed, letting go of her, which she didn't like. She'd prefer to be in his arms. "You want to hear something really crazy?"


"I dreamed about you before I met you," he said quietly as he moved away from her and over to the bed. He moved one of the pillows up against the headboard and sat down, leaning back against it, his eyes back on her. "Come here, Maddie."

Maddie stared at him in shock, then moved over to sit down on his bed as well, right next to him. She'd prefer to be in his lap again, but she'd wait for the invitation. "John, if you're not a werewolf, I'd be shocked."

He looked at her. "Why? Because of the dreams?"

She nodded. "Among other things. It's normal to dream of your mate before you meet her. I've heard the guys talk about it more than once. Sometimes they can see their mate's face, sometimes they can't. But it's usually pretty erotic." She said the last part quietly.

He stared at her for a long moment. "You really are my soulmate," he murmured.

She nodded slowly. "I think so."

"Mine," he whispered.

"Yes, yours. Only yours," she responded.

"You were what got me through..." he stopped and ran his hand over his face. He sighed. "I've dreamed of a wolf too. I'd forgotten about it because mostly, I just dream of you. But its always the same one. The same wolf. Sometimes running, sometimes howling sadly."

Her lips parted at his words. She hadn't missed what he'd started to say about her getting him through something. She didn't press though, and instead focused on the other thing he'd said. About the wolf. "You have?"

John nodded. "Yeah. I have. Several times. But mostly it's just you, but sometimes it's both you and the wolf."

"I swear, you have to be a werewolf. I just don't understand why it seems like you're cut off from your wolf and your memories," she said, studying him. "Maybe you should go see the pack doctor."

He pursed his lips and then breathed out slowly. "I don't really like doctors, but I think I know why I'm cut off."

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Why?"

"There's something in my brain. Something that doesn't belong there. I did see a doctor about it a few months ago, and he said he thinks that's probably what was cutting me off from my memories. He didn't know I was a werewolf I don't think," he explained.

She stared at him in shock. The poor man. "How did it get there?"

"I don't know," he admitted. "I have no memory of it. But my first memories are of me having a horrible headache."

Maddie moved closer to him and curled up against his side. John wrapped his arm around her. "Did he offer to remove it?"

"No. He said it was too delicate of a procedure for him to do. He said I needed to see a neurosurgeon," he said quietly.

Maddie looked up at him and cupped his cheek. "So you probably won't get your memories back unless you have it removed, and it may be blocking out your wolf as well."

"Yeah. If I'm a werewolf." He gave a short laugh. "That's really still hard for me to believe. And now you have me eyeing Rhys and the others suspiciously."

"You beat Rhys today," she reminded him quietly.


"Rhys is the Beta of Sierra Nevada Pack. He's the second strongest wolf in that pack and way stronger than a human. I don't think you're human, John," she pointed out. "Especially since you cracked his ribs."

He was quiet for several long moments after that, seemingly lost in thought. His gaze was unfocused for a bit, then he turned to look at her. "I don't think I am either," he finally admitted. "I did ask Officer Willis to run a background check on me to see if he could find anything."

She looked up at him in surprise. "You don't think you're human either?"

He shook his head. "I heal really fast. Like really fast. Rhys did leave a pretty nasty bruise, but it was gone before you showed up at my door." He left it at that.

"And did Officer Willis find anything?" She wondered when this had happened.

"Nope, not at all," he responded.

Maddie relaxed back against him and sighed softly. "Well, at least you're not a criminal."

He laughed at that. "That was sort of a relief. I was kind of afraid I'd find out something I'd rather not know."

"I still think you should go see the pack doctor though," she told him. All of a sudden, she found herself on her back with him over her, looking down at her. Her lips parted as she stared up at him. How had that happened ? Not that she was complaining. Having his warm hard body over hers was arousing. "Um, that was not human, John."

He shrugged, blowing it off. "So, you like to keep telling me. But I need to kiss you again, Maddie. And I want to touch you." He ground his hips against hers, making her groan.

She nodded as he stared down at her. "Please do. I want you so badly. I need you, John."

His lips came down on hers, as he kissed her deeply and she turned off her thoughts at that point. He'd given her a lot to think about, but for now, all she wanted to think about was him and what she wanted him to do to her.

The Lost Alpha Prince (Book 15 of the Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now