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On the docks, a helicopter was ready to take off, but two of the soldiers were called as backup for the chaotic crowd after Aaron went wild. Several people were injured and others succumbed to the Ultima curse. The one soldier in the helicopter stayed behind so that he could take off properly.

But just as he looked away to take a peek at the control status of the helicopter, someone jumped inside and placed their hand on his shoulder.

"Ahh!" The pilot gasped feeling a hand on him.

"Hello." The pilot turned around to see Captain Toby standing behind him. He tried to radio for help, but it was too late as Toby punched him hard, pushed the pilot outside the helicopter and started to take off himself.

"It's not like it belongs to you anyway." Toby called out and took off without looking back while the pilot stared in shock.

All of a sudden, the island shook once again, but something was different this time. The people panicked on the ground below, but Toby could see what was really going on.

Trees and buildings fell from the violent tremors originating from the center island of the resort. The entire island was uprooted from the ocean, revealing a strange machine or building rising from the waters.

"What is that thing?" Toby asked himself.

"It is something that will destroy this world if used at full power." A voice said behind him. Toby quickly turned around and saw only a flash of someone standing in the back.

For a second, he thought it was a figment of his imagination, but something caught his eye before the stranger disappeared.

The unmistakable shade of blue in their hair.


Inside the cannon, the scientists and researchers were working diligently to get the cannon running on full power, the red lights flashing over and over again to show that something was unstable or going wrong.

"Is everything all right?" A GF soldier asked the team.

"It's holding together." One of the scientists said.

"All this stone and earth, I wouldn't be surprised if we lost a few systems." The chief scientists commented.

"The gravity wells haven't been activated in over a millennia. There's just so much weight above it."

"The haze matrix is down. We won't be able to focus the cannon."

Just then, Michael appeared using Travis' body as his own.

"What about its ability to collect?" He asked.

"Uh, that system. It looks... fine."

"Good. None of the other rooms matter. How's the prototype room? The one we found the old man in?"

"It's in the middle of the cannon and hasn't received any damage."

Michael smirked.

"MICHAEL!!!!" A raged filled voice echoed from the entrance to the control station. The demon turned around and saw his old friend standing by the stairs with nothing but rage and hatred in his eyes.

"What did you do?!" He screamed demanding an answer, "You never told me you were going to kill her! She was just a child! A harmless little girl!"

"That girl was anything but harmless." Michael stated walking up to Zack, "What does it matter? You were so willing to put Ein in harms way. I just assumed that you felt the same about that child."

"That's not the same!" Zack shouted, "Airis was a kid, she had barely begun to live her life."

"A life that would've been mine either way." Michael cut him off, "I remember those days in the experimentation ward, those times you would sneak off to see her, to talk to her. You would always bring those little strawberry candies and slip them through the door just to try and gain her trust. I must say that it was a nice effort. Perhaps if I had allowed you to bond with her, then maybe she wouldn't have been so eager to leave and deny her fate. But alas, I wish I didn't have to kill Airis, but her power was far too much of a threat to me. If she were able to handle that kind of power, all of this would've been for nothing. I merely sealed my victory, destroyed a threat, and got rid of a monster."

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