im so sorry for you. p2

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word count: 1119 words

it was so much worse for autumn than me. at the time he was much more stronger than us and i would fight back however he knew autumn was to scared to attempt to fight back. he also knew how much I cared for autumn so he would sometimes take his anger out on her for the things I did.

autumn glared at reece

marjorie stared at reece and autumn in disbelief with her hand covering her mouth.

"oh my god. he did that to the two of you?" she asked

"yes. it was an common occurrence anyway no need to worry." autumn said while walking towards the door.

winter quickly jumped in front of her stopping he and telling her to sit down and that this would help them.

she reluctantly went back to her chair and sitting down.

marjorie took a deep breath before speaking.

"so.. what happened on the night your mum left?" marjorie said

autumn and reece gave each other a look before autumn spoke.

"roger and my mother had just had an massive argument over me getting 80% on my test exam. my mother was never happy when roger would hit us. he was drunk and when I gave him my exam results he was very mad and layed his hands on me to the point where I could barely stand up as my whole body was in pain and he eventually got mad at me for staining blood on the floor. my mother got angry and they started to argue, while they were arguing reece came over and sorted me out and took me upstairs, we woke up in the morning with a note on our bedside draws saying she left and she loved us and we never saw her since." when autumn finished she had tears in her eyes.

"autumn and reece. I can't believe you went though all of that. you were children." marjorie said while wiping the tears off her face while winter stared at autumn in shock.

"what was the worst memory you have from your dad?"

autumn looked at reece in a you go first look.

"we had a pool in the backgarden where me and autumn would swim together. I was quite a good swimmer but autumn could swim but not for long so when my father offered to go swim in the pool with us we were excited as we never got to bond with him. we got into the pool. it went from shallow to deep. since me and autumn was still really small only father could reach. as autumn and father were swimming I went to go get some drinks for us. when I came back I saw fathers pushing something down into the water at the deep end. when I came closer I realised it was autumn. I dropped the drinks and rushed over to try and save autumn, eventually father went back inside and I rushed over to try and get autumn. as I managed to pull her out of the water her face was pale and she was unconscious I didn't know what to do and I shouted for father and he told me he would call an ambulance and to say she drowned while he went inside to get some towels. I was against this whole thing but I just wanted him to get the ambulance for autumn so I didnt say anything. she ended up staying in the hospital for a couple of nights and had to have breathing tubes to breathe as all the water in her lungs made it hard to breathe. I couldn't bear to see her like that." when reece finished winter looked at his love to see her wiping tears off her face and gave her a kiss on the cheek while reece patted her shoulder and marjorie looked like she saw a ghost.

marjorie eventually mumbled

"anything from you autumn?"

autumn looked at reece and then began to speak.

"im sure reece knows what im going to say but even he doesn't know the full extent. it was 10:00 and me and reece went out to the park down the road. we had to be home by 10:30 and the park was an 20 minute walk back home. we quickly got up and stared walking together. halfway through the walk reece suddenly shouted


we then quickly started running knowing we wouldn't be back in time but we thought we might as well try to get there quickly. we managed to get home at 10:40 as we quietly opened the door trying to quickly get to our rooms our father was stood there waiting for us. as we panicked he asked us why we weren't home pass 10:30. reece told him how we left on time and he left his phone at the park. my father got super angry and was actually drunk so he beat reece up to the point where he couldn't defend himself as he was so hurt my father than grabbed an empty wine bottle and swung it at my father, before thinking I quickly jumped infront of reece and the bottle smashed into pieces as stabbed into my stomach. he then went upstairs with a bottle of vodka. I looked back at reece to see him unconscious and I knew father would black out any minute from the vodka and he took out phones earlier before he hit reece so I couldn't call an ambulance so I quickly put reece on my back and walked outside clutching my stomach in pain. it was snowing outside. as reece was much taller and heavier than me it was quite hard. the hospital was a 40 minute walk but since I could barely walk it took me double the time. unfortunately I didn't quite make it and I fell unconscious on the way in the snow. when I woke up I found out from the doctors that reece was okay and only suffered a couple of cuts and fractured bones. and since I got hit from the wine bottle it caused me random stomach pain for quite a while and i carried reece back home and told him something along the lines off a taxi took us to the hospital and I was fine as I didn't want him to know the truth."

autumn finishes with a sigh and looks at reece and sees him practically crying

" you went through all that to keep me safe and get me to the hospital?" reece said with teary eyes

"it wasn't a big deal the pain only lasted for a few months and I know you would you the same for me."

they pulled in for a big hug.


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