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summary: autumn gets really bad cramps and winter comforts her

word count: 949 words

it had been only about a month since they moved in together.

it was a saturday so winter and autumn planned to have a lie in. when aut slowly woke up she felt a pain in a stomach she panicked as she knew what this meant. she quickly checked over the bed to make sure she didn't bleed on the bed thankfully she didn't. she quickly went to the bathroom and sorted herself out. as she came out she saw winter sitting up in bed

"sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" she said looking guilty

"its okay. are you alright?" he said looking concerned for her

"yes I'm fine thank you" autumn said blushing

after they brushed their teeth autumn started to get a really bad headache and cramps. unfortunately when she was on it really affected autumn.

as they went downstairs he saw autumn holding her stomach and practically limping down the stairs

"my love are you ok? you seem like somethings wrong?" winter said with a concerned look on his face

feeling embarrassed she gave him a small smile

"im okay my sweet"

"okay tell me if anything's wrong though please. you can trust me i promise."

as winter was making breakfast autumn was sitting at the dining room table waiting for him and took the opportunity to take some painkillers. her cramps were worse than usual today. she felt really embarrassed as she didn't want to seem weak in front of winter she couldn't help if though and made a quiet noise and gripped onto her trousers

winter saw and asked again if she was okay and she said yes throughout breakfast he noticed her pull a face. after breakfast they say on the sofa and winter put one of her favourite shows on as she sat next to him on the sofa cuddling him.

suddenly she gripped onto him really tight and squeezed her other hand on her stomach.

"my love i know somethings wrong just tell me what is is" winter said looking at her with a look of concern

nothi-  she suddenly jolted as she got a really bad cramp and her head started throbbing. it was to much and a few tears fell down her face.

"what's wrong my love please just tell me!!" winter said worryingly

"you promise you won't laugh?" autumn said while wiping the tears away and squeezing her stomach

"i promise! what's wrong?

"im on my period. I get really bad cramps and headaches." autumn said as she put her head down feeling shy.

"my love i could never judge you I just wanted to help you. is there anything i can do to help?"

"if you could pass me that hot water bottle over there and get me some chocolate that would be nice." autumn said

"of course. have you taken any painkillers my love?"

"yes I have" autumn said

"if you need anything else let me know."

he handed her the stuff she asked for and let her lie on him and stroked his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back whenever the cramps got worse.

"are you feeling better?"

"the cramps are getting a bit better and my headaches nearly gone" autumn said with a smile

"I love you"

"I love to too" autumn said


as it was getting late and they were starting to get hungry winter went ahead and started to make dinner for them. as autumn was clearly in pain he decided to make it while she rested on the sofa he decided to make her favourite which was steak and winters pasta.

as he cooked dinner he glanced over at autumn to see her reading an book with her hot water bottle pressed on her stomach.

"my love come over dinners ready" winter said.

"coming." she said as she started to make her way to the table.

as they ate their food they talked about what was going on in their lives and random stuff.
as they finished winter put their plates away.

"thank you winter you have been a lot of help to me today." autumn said with a smile on her face.

"i will always be here for you no matter what happens" winter said as he carried her upstairs.

after they had a bath and got ready for bed they tucked into be as winter cuddled autumn while rubbing her stomach. she took a while as she still founded it hard to sleep around him. but after all the pain she had been in she found her eyelids slowly closing and eventually with a bit of reassurance from winter fell asleep.


she soon woke up it was 3:45 am. she found her stomach in a really bad pain. even though she tried to keep quiet she just couldn't.

winters pov

I woke up to the sound of autumn moving around in bed. I looked up to see her curled up. I felt so bad for her. I knew she had a very high pain tolerance so she must be in a lot of pain right now. i checked the time and it was 3:47 am. i quickly went over to her and picked her up.

"my love what can I do to help you?"

"im okay really just go back to sleep. you have had a long day."

winter went to the bathroom and looks through the draws and cabinets hoping to find something to help. he grabbed the ointment to help with cramps and walked over to autumn

"can i put this on you?"


as he rubbed in the ointment on her stomach he looked over at her to see her fast asleep again. he smiled and then carried on for another 10 minutes before putting the bottle on the bedside table and drifting off to sleep.


stopp this is so cuteeeeee <3

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