why would you do that?

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a week later...

As I made my way through the set, I noticed Josh, one of the actors I had started to become friendly with, heading in my direction. 

"Hey, Malia!" he called out, a bright smile spreading across his face as he approached. "How's it going?"

"Hey, Josh," I greeted him with an equal warmth, grateful for the friendliness. "It's going pretty well, just another busy day. How about you?"

"Same here, just got out of wardrobe. They've got me in this ridiculous outfit today," he laughed, gesturing to his somewhat extravagant costume, which indeed looked like it belonged more in a carnival than on a film set.

I chuckled, appreciating the humor. "It suits you," I teased. "Makes you look very... unique."

Josh laughed, shaking his head. "Unique, huh? I guess that's one way to put it. So, how's everything else? Any more mysterious bouquets show up at your door?"

The question caught me slightly off guard. "No, nothing since then. Still no idea who it was from," I admitted, folding my arms.

"That's quite the secret admirer you've got," Josh said, his tone both teasing and curious. "But hey, it's kind of exciting, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is," I agreed, the corners of my mouth lifting into a smile. "But enough about my mystery admirer. What's new with you? Any exciting roles coming up?"

Josh's face brightened at the question. "Actually, yes. I've been talking to the director about a new film they're planning after this one wraps up. They think there's a role that might be a good fit for me."

"That sounds amazing, Josh! I'm so happy for you," I responded genuinely. It was always fun to see talented people get opportunities that excited them.

"Thanks, Malia. It's still early days, but I'm hopeful," he said. "And hey, if you ever get tired of behind-the-scenes work, I think you could totally hop in front of the camera. You've got the look and the presence for it."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I think I'll stick to what I know best, but thanks for the vote of confidence."

Our conversation continued for a few more minutes, touching on everything from upcoming studio projects to our favorite new TV shows. Talking with Josh was easy and left me feeling more connected and grounded in the environment of the film studio.

The day's work was ramping up, and after my friendly chat with Josh, I felt energized and ready to tackle whatever came my way. Kari, the coordinator I reported to on the A24 project, was quick to capitalize on that energy. She approached me with her usual brisk efficiency, a clipboard in hand laden with various tasks that needed attention.

"Malia, I need you on top of a few things today," Kari began, her tone businesslike yet approachable. She handed me the clipboard, which listed several tasks, each crucial in the seamless running of today's shoot.

"First, we need the props sorted for the afternoon scenes. Everything's listed here," she pointed to the detailed inventory on the sheet. "Make sure everything matches with the scene requirements and double-check with the props department."

"Got it," I nodded, scanning the list quickly, mentally organizing my approach.

"Next, there's an issue with the lighting equipment in Studio B. I've already spoken to the technicians, but I'd like you to follow up. Ensure they have everything they need to fix the problem before midday," Kari continued, her gaze flicking back to her own notes.

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