first day

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The next morning, sunlight shined through the curtains as I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself. With a deep breath, I walked over to Madi's room, needing her advice on what to wear for my first day at work. I knocked lightly and then opened the door.

"Mads, wake up," I said, nudging her shoulder.

Without opening her eyes, Madi grumbled, "Get away, I don't want to fuck."

"Girl, what the fuck?" I said, throwing a shirt from the floor at her.

Madi squinted at me, her expression shifting from irritation to realization. "Oop, sorry. What time is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes and rolling over to look at her phone.

"Almost time for me to leave," I replied, rolling my eyes. I pulled the blanket off her bed in an attempt to fully wake her up.

Madi groaned, pulling the blanket back towards her. "Just take the car."

"Can you help me figure out what to wear first?" I asked.

"No," she muttered, trying to pull the blanket over her head.

Frustrated, I grabbed her leg and started dragging her. "Come on hoe, I need help!"

"Fine, fine!" Madi relented, getting up and stumbling after me to my room.

We stood in front of my closet, and I started sifting through my clothes. Madi looked over my options, her eyes still half-closed.

"Just wear the cardigan and white shirt," she said, pointing to a hanger.

I looked at the combination and nodded. "Alright, now leave so I can change."

Madi left the room, muttering under her breath as she headed to the kitchen. I quickly dressed, pulling on the white shirt and the cardigan Madi had suggested. I slipped on my Doc Martens and added a few pieces of jewelry. Grabbing my purse, I took one last look in the mirror, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.

Heading to the living room, I found Madi lounging on the couch, a bowl of Froot Loops in her lap as she watched The Flintstones on the TV. Are you a child? Well, Madi is very childish...

"Bye" I said.

She looked up from the tv to me standing by the door and waved lazily. "have fun"

I arrived at A24 Studios, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves. The sleek, modern building was intimidating, but I took a deep breath and walked inside, checking in at the reception desk. The receptionist directed me to the set where I would be working, and I made my way through the bustling corridors, feeling the hum of creativity all around me.

As I stepped into the studio, I saw a white backdrop on set and a table in the middle with chairs facing the cameras. It was a high-tech setup, much more sophisticated than anything I had seen before. As I took it all in, I heard a voice behind me.

"You're Malia, right?"

I turned to see a woman with a friendly smile approaching me. "I nodded. And you're Kari?"

She nodded. "It's nice to meet you," Kari said, shaking my hand warmly.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied, trying to match her confidence.

"So, is there anything specific you want me to do first?" I asked, eager to get started.

Kari glanced around the room. "We are going to need...oh! We need scripts copied because we only have two right now. There's an office in the other building where you can copy them, or they might actually be saved to the printer, so check if it is first to save time."

because I met you | billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now