a mystery

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"Madi?" I called out as I shut the door behind me. I heard some movement from the living room and then saw her peeking around the corner, her expression curious.

"Hey, hoe! How was the party?" she asked.

"It was... complicated," I started, kicking off my shoes and flopping down on the couch. Madi followed, sitting across from me, her full attention on me.

"What happened?" Her eyes were wide, knowing well that 'complicated' usually meant a story worth hearing.

I took a deep breath, sorting through the evening's events in my mind. "So, I accidentally kissed Billie," I blurted out, the words tumbling out before I could think better of it.

Madi's eyebrows shot up. "Accidentally? How does one accidentally kiss someone?" She grinned.

"I was high, Madi," I confessed, feeling a wave of guilt wash over me again. "And it just happened. But I know it shouldn't have because she's just a friend, nothing more. I don't want to ruin what we have."

Madi's expression softened with concern. "Oh, Malia," she murmured sympathetically, reaching out to squeeze my hand. "Are you okay?"

I nodded slowly, my gaze dropping for a moment before meeting Madi's again. "Yeah, Billie took care of me," I admitted quietly.

"How did Billie feel about it?" Madi asked. 

"Fuck" I sighed, leaning back into the couch. "I don't fully know. We haven't talked about it yet. I left pretty early this morning."

Madi nodded slowly, processing my words. "Well, How do you feel about Billie?"

I paused, considering her question. The truth was, my feelings for Billie might be deeper than I'd admitted even to myself, but last night had confused everything. "I... I don't know, Kari would kill me."

"Okay" Madi said gently. "But maybe Billie feels more, You won't know until you talk to her."

"Now, tell me about you and Kaia," I changed the subject.

Madi took a deep breath. "Well, after Kaia and I made out by the pool, we talked," she admitted.

My eyes widened in surprise. "You and Kaia?" a smile spreading across my face. "Ew, Madi. How did it go?" I asked.

 "It was... really good, actually," she confessed. "We talked about everything. And I think... I think we might have something there."

I reached over, pulling Madi into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you, Madi," she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy. "No more hoe Madi!"

"Can we go surfing now? I saw the waves online and I think it's perfect to go right now," Madi said, her voice filled with excitement and an urgency that matched the rolling waves she described.

"Yeah let me put on a bikini and shorts" I got up from the couch and headed to my room.

"ill meet you outside!" Madi yelled from the living room.

We walked down to the shoreline together and slowly got in the water paddling further and further. 

"Okay" Madi called out over her shoulder, her voice filled with excitement. "This is a good one."

I followed Madi's lead, paddling hard to catch up with the swell. i felt the wave lift my board, propelling me forward with a surge of adrenaline. i popped up onto my feet, riding the wave.

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