Chapter 22

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“Up! Get up! Come on!” Mat said nudging me. I groaned and flopped over. “Come on! Wake up before your late for school.” I froze.

School? Oh. That thing where I get my education. “I think I learn more from home.”

“Well I don’t so get up.”

“But school’s so stupid.”

“You said you need a dose of normality every once in a while.”

“By normality I meant friends.”

“You will see your friends at school.”


“Yes.” He said before pulling the covers down. Last night I was so tired I hadn’t even bothered to change out of my dirty clothes. “Come one. While your at school I’ll wash your sheets.” He grabbed my ankles and pulled me down.

“AH!” I said grabbing onto the bed sheet. “No! No! No! No!” I said blindly kicking him. I heard him groan so I turned over. He was clutching his man hood. I started laughing hard. My eyes watered and suddenly I wasn’t as sleepy.

“That’s it.” He said sternly. Next thing I know my stomach is on his shoulder and his arm is around my legs. I could only see his back as he walked towards my door.

“Ah!” I screamed as he opened the door. I held onto the door frame only to be pulled by Mat with absolutely no power on his side. I continued screaming even as everyone ran into the hall way. I didn’t know what he was planning but I know it wasn’t good. CT starred at the scene shocked. I heard Mat open a door and walk in. He put me down inside a bath tub. I looked around shocked when I finally realized why I was in a bath tub. But I was too late. Mat turned on the freezing cold water. I yelped and tried to turn it off but he wouldn’t let me.

“Okay! Okay! Uncle! Uncle! I give! I’ll go to school! Just please just off the freezing water!” I said stuttering a little and clinging to his arm. He shut it off.

“Maybe it was a little bit too cold?” He asked innocently. I glared at him before stepping out of the tub and back into the hall way. I could feel the goose bumps on my arms as I tried to warm them up.

I stepped into my room to get away from all the stares but not before I could say something. “So not helping you guys next time.” I slammed the door shut.

I sighing I first took off my cold wet clothes before grabbing clean panties and bra. I suddenly realized Mat took me to the guest bathroom and not my own. Shrugging my shoulders I went into my private bath room and got ready for today. I blow dried and straightened my hair because thanks to Mat it was wet. I used the curling iron to put some curls into and give my bangs a little bump. I stepped back into my room and went to my closet. I still hadn’t gone shopping so I didn’t have much to wear. I decided on a loose fitting pink racerback shirt and tight black short shorts.

I sat down on my bed deciding on what shoes to pair it with and what accessories I wanted. My phone went off so I absentmindly got it and opened it with out looking at the caller id. “Hello.” I said starring into space.

“Hello? Babe?” A man on the other line said. He coughed and it made me come out of my day dreaming.

“Hello?” I asked again making sure the voice I heard was correct.

“Babe. How are you? I’ve missed you.” I almost dropped the phone in surprise.

“Drake?” I squeaked. He laughed.

“Hey babe. I’ve missed you.” I couldn’t find words to reply. “I’m sorry I haven’t called in a while. They are keeping me busy.” I hadn’t talked to home in over a month. In the back round I heard him talking to someone. He sounded so different. Especially his manner in speaking. Who thought he would have turned into that? Not that I minded.

“I… I’ve missed you too.” I said still in shock.

He chuckled. “Why do I feel like you think your talking to a ghost?” He asked amused.

“Probably because that’s what it feels like.” He didn’t reply. “You haven’t called me in… a month and two weeks. You haven’t even wrote me. I would have thought you were dead if you weren’t in training and not at war.”

“Yes, I know. I really am sorry. I’ve just been working so hard… But I found a way to make up for it.”

“How?” I asked confused.

“Well… I’ve talked to the Corporal and he said I’ll be going home next month on the 14.” I could hear the smile in his voice.



“Ah! Oh my gosh! Please tell me your not joking!”

He laughed. “I’m not.”

I got up and started jumping on my bed. I was going to see my boyfriend for the first time in 6 months. I saw him three months ago but that was only because I went down there to see him and it was only for a day. I was excited. I couldn’t wait. I wonder if my brothers would mind if I brought him here…. He gave me the date and time his plane was going to get in and I told him I would go pick him up. I told him I had something to tell him. He didn’t know I was adopted either. With good reason. He had left before I found out and when I saw him I still didn’t know. I don’t think telling him over the phone that not only did I meet my blood brothers but move in with them and a whole batch of boys would be a good thing to do. I would just tell him when we were on our way here. Hopefully it wouldn’t bother him too much.

After I had everything written down I hung up with him. I picked up my ipod and turned it on. I put on a good song, plugged the ear buds into my ears and put the ipod in my back pocket. I was so happy I couldn’t stop smiling.

I grabbed my bag and danced my way down the hall way and stairs. I made my way down the hall and into the kitchen. “Ooh. Ahh. Baby don't stop, You know how I like it daddy when you hit the spot. Ooh. Ahh. Baby don't stop. Imma take control when I climb up on top.” When I set eyes on Mat’s astonished face I realized I probably shouldn’t be singing such a song out loud but I was too happy to keep it bottled in. I partially danced my way to the counter ignoring the weirdo stares I was getting. I took the eggs out of the fridge and put butter on the pan. “Yea you do it hard baby, like you on a mission Now I do it Superman - Love, or addiction.” I scrambled the eggs and put them in the pan. I continued singing out loud and doing seductive moves and faces. Once I had my breakfast done I sat down and began eating. I hummed the lyrics when ever food was in my mouth. “Ooey it's so juicy boy I hope you come first place. So good I make ya think my bed is my workplace. You can't overwork me,” I sang looking at Dion as he looked at me with a shocked face.

Suddenly the ear bud was pulled out my ear. “What are you singing? Out loud.” Mat asked obviously angry.

“A song?” I replied. “Love me, love me - it's the way you love me. Touch me, touch me - it's the way you touch me.” I continued singing my song.

“Must you sing it aloud?”

I pretended to think about it. I bit my lip. “Yeah.” I said finally nodding my head. He continued to glare at me. “Bye.” I said smiling. I figured I should get on his good side before leaving so I kissed him on the cheek. “Love you bro.” I said hopping down from the stool and running out of the kitchen. Once I got to the car I plugged in my ipod to my car radio and headed to school. I wondered what Mat’s face looked like after he realized I had kissed him and called him bro. And said ‘I love you’. That was the first sign of affection…. At least from my behalf.

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