Chapter 27

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I was on my way home from school. I had been feeling better and the weather remained the same as the weather lady said it would. Mat told me he would help me learn to control my new powers. I’m not sure if this new power would come in handy during a battle but I didn’t really care. I was a freak either way. I decided to stop at a little ice cream shop on the way home. It was eerily quite, as it almost always was here. I didn’t notice that I couldn’t hear any forest animals. I could see the elderly couple from the window. The elderly lady saw me coming and got up. I had been coming here ever since I started walking. The elderly lady was short and chubby. Her clothes always smelled of cookies and ice cream. We waved at each other. I put my keys in my pocket planning to stay a while to catch up with them. When I looked back up the elderly lady was frightened. Her eyes flickered from behind me to me. I turned around to see what she was looking at. There, in front of me, was a huge tan wolf. It was bearing it’s teeth and growling. Beside it was a girl. Stormy grey eyes, bright red lips, pale skin, and raven black hair. She greeted me in a bright voice.

This was definitely not good. I was pretty sure I didn’t stand a fighting chance. “Do me a favor Marge?” I asked with out looking towards the elderly lady. “Tell my brothers I was kidnapped.” I gave them Dion’s address and told her to use my middle name when she was speaking to them.

“Coming peacefully?” She asked in amusement. I didn’t reply. I slowly and cautiously walked forward. They led me into the woods near by. Once I was clear of view I stopped and faced them.

“What do you want?” I asked shaking with fear. I’ve never faced any of them alone. Heck I hadn’t faced even one, unless you count the hormonal teenage boys in Dion’s house.

“You.” She said before grinning wickedly. Before I cold respond a hard object slammed on the back of my head. I lost my vision before falling to the ground.

As consciousness quickly made it’s way to me I registered the smell of burning wood. It’s crackling quickly ventured to my ears soon after. I groaned as sensation on the back of my head returned. A massive headache hit me like a boat load of bulls. My eyes fluttered open. At first everything was dark and blurry but it was soon very clear. Too clear for my liking. In front of me was a girl about my age. Bright red hair the color of flames. Large muddy brown eyes and massively freckled skin. She was pretty. She starred at me completely empty of emotions. She was tied down to a hard metal chair. I tried to move but the sound of metal chains against metal caused me to look down. My wrists were encircled by metal chains. The metal chain was then nailed to the hard metal chair. My legs were roped onto the legs of the chair.

I looked back up at the girl frantic. “Who are you?” She asked. Her voice resonated with power.

I couldn’t figure out whether or not to tell her who I was. Chances are she already knew though. “Psyche Henderson.” I said giving her my full name, according to my brothers.

She looked at me shocked. “The Psyche?” She asked incredulous.


“Figures.” She said nodding her head and looking away. She shook her head and let out a laugh. “I knew that whole prophecy thing was a joke!” She suddenly became very mad and looked at me with hatred.


“No offense but there is no way you could save everyone. And who the hell gives them selves up? Are you working with the enemy?”

“What? No!”

“Good morning girls.” Said the same girl from earlier walking inside the room. “Miss me?”

“You have no idea.” Said the girl in chains smiling up sarcastically at the girl with raven black hair.

“Good.” She walked around the girl in chains and slipped a knife along her neck. “Opps. Sorry.” She smirked. The girl in the chair didn’t even make a sound. “I think I should introduce myself.” She looked at me. “My name is Ravenna but my friends call me Crow.”

“What kind of name is Crow?”

Ravenna made a small slash on the girls arm. “Shut up I wasn’t talking to you.” Then looking at me. “This idiot over here is Cobra. Now you tell me, what kind of name is Cobra?”

“It’s the name you get when the moment you were born you were bitten by a cobra and lived to tell it.” Spat Cobra.

“Sounds like a boy’s name.” Ravenna said walking away and playing with the knife.

“So does Crow.” Cobra said as a man walked into the room. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes.

“This is Mike.”

“Finally someone with a normal name.” I said interrupting her.

“Everyone calls him Skinner.”

“Why?” I asked suddenly afraid of him.

“Want to guess or want to find out?”

I nodded my head. “So he likes to skin his chickens before eating them? Isn’t that normal?”

“Shut up. Now We’re going to have a friendly conversation.” She said swinging the knife back and fro. “So you can either make it a nice chat or, and I really don’t want to ruin my new clothes, we could make this painful.” I didn’t reply. It wasn’t like I knew much so I wouldn’t be a very good snitch.

“Now tell me. What does the prophecy say? I want the whole thing.”

“What are you talking about? Don’t you know? Claire and her father knew. Don’t you guy’s know too?

Only Claire and her father knew what the prophecy said but now that their both dead..”

“Her fathers dead?”

“Stop playing innocent. We know you killed him or at least your people did.”

“No we didn’t.” I say defensively.

“Stop pretending. Of course you did. He was after all brains of our operation. You killed him in order to postpone our attack on you and your people.”

I looked at her as if she were crazy. She studied my face for a while before speaking. “You didn’t know.” She stated.

“I…” I closed my eyes to remember my dreams from a couple nights ago. “No. It wasn’t supposed to happen yet. It was the future. It was supposed to happen on the thirteenth. There was supposed to be snow on the ground.” I said shaking my head.

“There was. The weather was acting strange that day. Sunny, pouring, snowing, sunny, snowing, sleet.”

I gasped. “But! No! He was with me. I… We were together all day. There’s no way he could have….” Dion and I had spent most of the day together. Most. I had spent all day the next with him. He didn’t go out because he didn’t feel like it, or so he said. I noticed that he had a bandage on his stomach, one on his arm, and he was slightly limping. “Your right.” I said in disbelief.

“So your people killed him?”

“They are not my people. I have no people. I am just like everyone else.”

“But your not are you?” She smirked and walk over to me. “Are you even human?”

“Of course.”

“Really?” She asked. “Let’s check.” She brought the knife up so it touched the light just so. I recoiled into my chair. I followed the pointy end as it came down to my skin.

“No! Stop!” I screamed. She dragged the knife from my elbow down to my wrist. I groaned loud trying to retain the scream that lingered in my throat. Water clouded up my vision. Red liquid poured out from my new wound.

“Oh. You bleed. At least we know you hurt like a human.”

“I told you I’m human.” I mumbled around clenched teeth.

“You can’t be human with super natural powers.”

“Oh I don’t! Maybe I’m half witch!” I screamed at her exasperated.

“Don’t” she pulled my hair and a small yelp escaped me “scream at me girl.”

“Well then eat my words! I don’t know any thing!” I screamed. Something over came me causing me to become furious. “Did you really think I would? You’d have better luck asking one of my brothers!” She didn’t even reply just dragged the knife along my collar bone. I hissed in pain.

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