Chapter 32

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I had been walking in the woods for what seemed like forever but was really only minutes. It seems there, at some point, was a dirt path leading up to the house but it was now over grown and a small path, probably made by people walking to and from, was directly in the middle of the bigger one. I wished what ever was in the wood’s would have at least put down a drive way so I could have just hailed a cab. So far I haven’t seen anything or even heard anything. Not even bird’s ventured into the territory. They must have good instincts.

It wasn’t until I had walked a little further that I heard a sound. My head shot around looking for it. There was nothing but as I looked into the distance I could see two shadow’s. Both the same height obviously men by their broad shoulders. From beside me a women stepped out from behind a tree. She stepped out and in front of me. She was a little shorter than me. She had a small waist and walked with grace. She wore a short white dress to her mid-thigh which seemed to be made of silk. She had angular and well defined features, including long, pointed ears. Her eyes were wide and almond shaped. Fair skin and dark brown hair cascading down to her lower back in loose curls. Beside her appeared the shadow’s I had seen further down the path.

I stepped back afraid. One of the boy sighed. “Why don’t all of you just stay away? Don’t yous ever learn.”

“Kill her.” Said the girl. The three turned around and began to walk, at human pace, up the path.

“You haven’t even asked my name.” I screamed after them.

“And why would your name matter?” The other much broader boy asked not even bothering to look back.

“Psyche.” Was the only thing I had time to say because a snake, hanging from a tree branch, was right in from of me. I screeched. As I tried to take a step back I tripped and landed on my butt. My hand’s scrapped against the ground but I was alright.

“What did you say?” Asked the less boarder boy.

“P-Psyche Henderson.” I stammered still looking at the snake. It transformed into a very pale-skinned and graceful girl dressed in bright clothes in an old-fashioned style. She wore a broad-brimmed straw hat with a dark blue ribbon against the base and no shoes.

The boy looked at me shocked before speaking. “How do you know that name?”

“What do you mean? How would I not know my own name?”

“It can’t possibly be you. Psyche would have fought not let her self be killed.”

I felt insulted still I knew it was true. “I still haven’t gotten all my powers and I don’t know how to use some the one’s I have. They just sort of work when they want to.”

“I don’t believe it.” Said the broader boy.

“I do.” Said the woman who was not wearing a hat. “My name is Freya.” She smiled down at me

“Yes. I believe it too.” Said the girl wearing a hat in her surprisingly high but nice pitched voice. “I can feel power radiating from her. My name is Uiara.” Said the girl wearing the hat.

The girl not wearing a hat held out her hand for me. I hesitantly took it and she helped me off the ground. “My eyes see with joy.”

“Uhh… Hi to you too?”

“It basically means I’m happy to see you.” Said the boarder boy. “Well if they think it’s you I guess I do too.” He held out his hand. “My name is Jacob.” I put my hand in his and shook it.

“My name is Edward.” The less boarder boy said extending his hand to mine. Again I put my hand in his. He held my hand by the fingers and brought them up to his lips. I felt his soft lips touch my skin. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. You should be more careful. Especially around here.” He let go of my hand once he was done talking. I felt my cheeks heat up but ignored it.

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