Chapter ten

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From down stairs I could hear a weird growling noise. I put my chips to the side and stood up making my way downstairs. I followed the noise into the kitchen. On the floor directly in front of me was a man with red hair and freckles dressed in a suit. My dad’s glasses were broken and missing a lens. His head was propped up on the table by the toaster looking at me while his body lay motionless on the floor at my feet. His arm was missing a chunk of meat and I could make out his shoulder bone through all the blood. Long bloody claw marks traveled from one side of his shoulder to the opposite side of his stomach. His leg was missing and his heart was laying by the floor pumping it’s last beat. The once white marble floor was now red.

I sudden deep growl came from the other side of the room where I saw a wolf. It was a huge wolf the color of sand. The thing was as big as a horse. It’s paw’s were the size of my head. It snarled at me exposing sharp pristine bloody teeth. My mother’s half eaten body hung limply from his gaping mouth. My mother’s eye’s were still open. She was shocked yet fierce. The wolf growled at me again this time it dropped my mother’s body. I let out a piercing scream. I only vaguely heard the wolf whine before it readied it’s self and charged after me. My animal instincts kicked in and it told me to flee. I ran out the door and continued out and down the street’s. I hoped I could make it to the police station because they had guns. Gun’s kill killer wolves.

I ran as fast as I could. I felt my bare feet pound against the floor. The cement and rocks made small cut’s and bumps on the bottom of my feet but I ignored it. The wolf was directly behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck. The animal inside my told me I wasn’t going to make it. It told me I was going to die. It told me to hide. Just as I was about to hide CT blurred in front of me. He took a fierce stance making the wolf stop in it’s tracks. I screamed at him. I told him to run but he wouldn’t listen and I couldn’t leave him. The wolf and CT exchanged a few growls and snarls before they lunged at each other.

“No!” I screamed them only to be stopped my Mat and Dion. Dion had cut’s all over him like he was just in a fight. He had no shirt on and his pants were torn and bloody.

“We need to go.” Dion said coldly.

“No! I’m not leaving him!” I screamed at him.

“He’ll be okay.”

“I want to stay! The last time I left I didn’t see him for 150 years of which I was missing and he was in a coma! I just got him back Dion!”

“I don’t care. We need you alive.” Dion said putting his arm around my waist and bringing me closer to him.

Before I had time to complain I was flying over the trees. I screamed at him and punched him to no avail. He wouldn’t stop and I couldn’t see CT or Mat. After a while I realized it was hopeless so I gave up. Dion set me on a roof top and told me he would be back. He told me to stay put. As soon as he was far enough I ran for the door and took the stairs down. As I came out the bottom finally realized what was happening down here.

There were bloody and bloodless corpses laying everywhere. Legs missing a body and bodies missing limbs. Heads and hearts were torn out of their rightful place. I watched as a vampire sucked the life out of a familiar face. Her gorgeous brown hair and black eyes stared at me. Her manicured finger’s and long tan arms reached for me. Right beside her laid George’s head. I heard my name being screamed and I turned to see Jason running away from a wolf. This wolf was almost an orange, like a peach. Jason had a good lead but he stumbled just little. It was all the wolf needed. Jason screamed as the wolf bit into his right leg. Jason fell to the ground and turned around so he could face the wolf. He tried to kick it but the wolf caught his leg with is greedy mouth. His huge paw him up and slashed Jason across the face. An eye ball popped out it’s socket and rolled across the street and into the sewer leaving a bloody trail. Jason’s white hair turned dark red and he died. The wolf looked up at me then and almost grinned. I looked back to where Dalia was only to see the vampire grinning wickedly at me. I watched completely stunned into shock and immobility as they came towards me. I felt like a gazelle at a water hole being hunted by a lion.

They come closer and closer. The closer they came the more I could smell the blood that stained their skin and fur. The closer they came the more I realized they were starving. They stood in front of me. Their pitch black eyes gazing down at me. The wolf lent down and his cold bloody snout bumped my shoulder. I felt his breath blow my clothes. Strangely I felt like the girl from the King Kong movie. On the other side the vampire let his nose brush against my neck. His teeth hovered just above my vein. With one last snarl he let his fangs pop out. They immediately sank into my skin.

“AH!” I screamed. I awoke in my sheets drenched in sweat. My chest raised and fell faster than a shooting star. My hands were shaking uncontrollably. My heart beat almost unnoticeable because if it’s speed. Every time I blinked I saw another dead body. I threw the blankets off me and carefully raised to my feet. I held onto the fall to keep my self upright because my legs felt like jell-o. I went into the medicine cabinet in my bathroom and grabbed my medicine to calm my nerves.

My hand’s shook so hard the tablet’s rattled in side the bottle. A hand touched my shoulder scaring me into dropping the bottle. It was just my dad. He grabbed the bottle from the floor and handed me some tablets. I dry swallowed them and my father made a face. I leaned against the sink while he rubbed my back. He told me to go sit down while he brings me hot coco.

I sat down on the large sill hugging my knee’s to my chest. I watched the thin over grown forest as the leaves rustled. I thought I saw a figure about when I turned back it was nothing. My father sneaked back into the room with steaming hot coco. He smiled down at me and handed it over. He told me to tell him about the dream but I didn’t. I knew I shouldn’t.

“You know don’t you?” I asked.

“Know what?”

“Dad, I have pictures if us together when I was a baby. You look exactly the same. If there’s one things that’s always the same when it comes to vampires; its that they don’t age. So far you’ve been right about everything you told me. You told me I was going to go through many hardships. You also said that there’s someone secretly watching over me. There is so many other thing’s you have said that have come true. I remember one night when I was smaller you made up a bed time story. You said that when the 17 birthday of a young black haired princess came she would be introduced to long lost relatives and meet a very important man. You obviously know something.”

My father looked at my completely stunned. “I… I wasn’t going to tell you. I really hoped you would have gone with them. I honestly didn’t expect you back.”

I gave him a disbelieving laugh. “So you expected me to just agree right off the bat that there’s super natural being’s out there? That I was missing for 150 years and now that I’m back I am completely different? How am I to believe that?

“Pumpkin.” I cut him off.

“Just get out.” I said coldly not looking at him. When he didn’t move I repeated my self much, much louder. He left. I still love my father but he should have told me. Still I don’t know how I feel about being raised by a vampire.

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