Chapter 25

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I walked into the kitchen sometime around noon. “Sleep well sleepy head?” Dion asked grinning. He eyed my sleep wear. “Nice pajamas. I didn’t know girls wore men’s dinosaur pajamas to bed. Your boy friends?”

I looked at him for a few minutes before ignoring him and walking to Mat. He was making a sandwich. I pushed his arms out the way and snuggled into his chest. I groaned. “Your cold.” Even I could hear my voice. It was stuffy. Just like my nose. I left his side and made my way to one of the werewolves. I knew for a fact that they run warm. I pushed his arms out of the way and sat in his lap. He was like a heater. More of an oven really. I snuggled into him and smiled against his chest. “Your warm.”

I felt something press against my forehead. “Get up stairs. Your sick. I’ll make you soup.”

I arms quickly wrapped them self around the boy who’s name I could not recall. “No! My room’s freezing! I’ll go if I can take him.” I heard a couple chuckles but ignored it.

“Come on.” Mat said trying to pry my from wolf boy’s lap.

“Hey. It’s alright. I’ll take her up stairs.” Wolf boy said. Mat hesitantly agreed. Wolf boy stood up and carried me bridal style back up to my room. He laid me on the bed and brought me some blankets. Mat came up a few minutes later bearing gifts. He brought me a tray with chicken soup, bread, and hot coco. I smiled at it. He took my temperature before letting me eat. I looked out the window and it was all a dim gray. Seemed like the sky matched my mood. After he left I ate my food and drank my hot coco. I put the tray on the floor and went back to sleep.

A mere thirty minutes later I went back down stairs. It was absolutely too hot in my room. I had opened the window but it seems the day had warmed up considerably. It only made my room that much hotter. Worst part is there wasn’t even any wind. The whole weather pattern for today was strange. Same as it was yesterday. Weird. When I went down stairs I went to the messy living room. Everyone was wearing shorts and no shirts. They looked at me as I entered. I had extremely short shorts on and a tank top that had a habit of sliding up above my navel.

“It’s hot.” I said leaning against the, non-existent, door frame. I slid down so I was sitting on the floor. “Isn’t it supposed to be getting colder? Why is it 100 degrees outside? It’s the freaking apocalypse!” No one said anything. They returned to watching TV seemingly unbothered by me. “How rude.” I said crossing my arms. I stood up and walked over to CT. I could feel a drop of sweat make it’s way down the curve of my back. I leaned against him. He was like a cold pink lemonade giving me the kick I needed. Of course it only lasted a little while before he pushed me away. He rubbed his arms which were rapped around me.

“How high is your temperature?” CT asked worried. I shrugged. Right away Mat appeared beside me.

“I wish it would snow. That way it would be cold.” I said as a thermometer appeared in my mouth.

“Hey! It’s snowing!” The wolf boy from earlier shouted. I looked outside and the sun had vanished. Fluffy white sheets of paper made their way down from the sky. It was snowing.

Mat looked at my suspiciously. “Don’t you wish it would rain, Psyche?”

“No. Why?”

“If it rain’s and snows wouldn’t it make sense that it would be colder?”

I smiled “Your right!” Just as I said that it started to pour outside. Everyone turned to look at me in astonishment. My mouth opened making the thermometer drop out of my mouth just as it beeped. Mat caught it but didn’t bother looking at it. “Did I do that?” I asked Mat. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

“I think so. Yeah.” Mat said in a low voice.

“So how am I controlling it? By just wanting it? If I say I want it to rain meatballs will they come down.”

“Ah.. Don’t think it works that way.”

“Body temperature?” Wolf boy asked. Mat shook his head.

“Commandment?” Some other red head boy asked. Again Mat shook his head.

“O!” I said raising my hand and stepping on my tippy toes. “Mood!” I shouted before laughing. I had remembered the weird weather started yesterday when I was starting to feel horrible.

“But if your sick why would the sun be out? Weren’t you feeling miserable?” Dion asked.

I thought about it. “No because I was asleep. I had a good dream.” I said nodding my head and smiling like a child who accomplished something amazing.

“What did you dream about?”

I thought about that for a moment before my cheeks reddened. “I don’t have to tell you.”

He raised an eye brows but before he could speak wolf boy spoke up. “Well considering how hot you are and how hot it was outside I’d have to say it was a very good dream.” He said winking. I think some others did too because they gave me wolfish grins.

“Yeah well… Whatever. It’s not like it’s against the law.” I said crossing my arms. I had a dream about me and my boyfriend. At first we were just kissing and then… Yup. A very good dream. One thing always leads to another.

After a while Mat cleared his throat. “I don’t think I needed to know that.” His voice sounded deeper. More commanding and violent.

“I know! You shouldn’t have said anything wolf boy!” I said looking at wolf boy.

“Wolf boy?” He said.

“Well.. Cheah. I can’t remember your name.”


“The same John who parked my car yesterday when I got home from school?”


“Aw! Thanks!” I said grinning.

“No problem. Maybe you can repay me later when your healthy?” He winked.

Mat hissed. I didn’t even bother to look at him. “Maybe not.”

“Let’s get you up stairs before anyone offers to make you happier than you already are.” Mat said before freezing on the spot. He shook his head. “I can’t believe I just said that to my sister.”

I chuckled and put an arm around him. “It’s okay. I tried to make you happier when we went shopping. Say, what did you do with all those girls numbers you got? Did you call any of them yet?” He just continued to look at me. “You should call Mandy I like her. For a blonde she seemed really smart. I think she’s in college too. Astro.. Something.”

“Astrophysics?” He asked.

“Yeah! That’s the one.”

He nodded his head seemingly impressed. Then he caught him self and looked at me through playful narrowed eyes. “You’re a bad example.”

I grinned widely at him. “You can’t blame me for that one. I was never like this before I met Dalia. Ah. First criminal act she made me do was steal a cookie from the kid sitting next to me.” I shook my head before sneezing.

“Up stairs.” Mat said spinning me around and marching me back up to my room.

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