Chapter 15

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I met up with Dalia and the others outside of school. With everything going on I had forgotten I had school. When I had called Dalia earlier to ask what we were doing today and she told me we had school I had laughed. School seemed to miniscule like being worried over a broken nail instead of a broken arm. At least I was awake but when I looked at the time I noticed I was late for school. Still school is school. How could I dream of saving the world with out even going to school? I made my way there and parked in the huge parking lot. I sighed in and grabbed my detention slip in the office before going to my locker to grab my books.

The day passed slowly. I did my work and went up to the board like I would normally. I tried to keep my mind from wandering to this other life I had but occasionally it would slid through the cracks. My mother was the only other person who could tell me what the prophecy said and she was dead. How could I possibly get information out of her? Why did Claire say to ask her if she knew she was dead?

I went from class to class acting as normal as I could manage. Lunch came and passed as did my other two classes. I went to detention just as I was supposed to. It wasn’t until the bell signaling the beginning of detention that I realized something. I had the power to raise the dead. I could go to my mothers body and raise it. I looked around but the teacher was already in the room. I had no choice but to wait until detention was over to resurrect my mother. I would never have thought I would need to do that. As I waited for the hour to pass by I contemplated how I was going to resurrect her. It hurt just to have visions and I had no other powers, that I knew of, so how was I meant to revive her?

Time had flown by and before I knew it the bell rang meaning everyone was free. I ran for the door and out into the fresh air. I walked slowly still completing. I made my way to my car and out the parking lot. I decided I would try this alone because if it didn’t work I didn’t want to give false hope to them. I walked through the cemetery fast not wanting to be seen. It wasn’t until I made it to the opening of the crypt when I was finally scared. I pushed the door aside and started pushing on the door. The door was extremely heavy and took all my energy and weigh but I managed to open it enough so that I could slip through the crack. I lighted a lantern and started down the long hall way. When I got to the end I took the stairs down I hesitated a little when I reached the bottom but continued. I walked to the other side of the rotunda and into the last hall way.

When the room was insight my fear jumped up a whole other level. If I managed to revive her it further confirmed that I was CT and Mat’s sister. I wished I wasn’t their sister but I know I am. I walked forwards towards the corner and around the wall. Her foot came into sight and I froze completely afraid. I tried reminding myself that she was dead and that I was going to revive her, that there was nothing to be afraid of. It worked I moved slowly until I could see her whole body. Her body still had dried brown skin on it. Oddly no bugs or insects surrounded her body. I got on my knees by her side and put the lantern down. I starred at her bones unsure of what to do.

“Well… here goes nothing.” I took a deep breath. “Bip-a-dee-bop-a-de-boo raise from the dead.” I tried. Nothing. “Come to life.” Again nothing. “I beg of you o dead mother come to me in my time of need raise from the dead.” I tried again. Nothing. Not even a twitch. I sighed.

“Whisper.” I heard a women say from behind me. I turned around sharply almost falling over but I held onto the wall. “Whisper into my ear.” It said again. I looked around but no one was there. I regretted going there alone. “Whisper it again in my ear.” The voice said. I looked at my mother. It wasn’t her voice. I knew my mothers voice and it wasn’t her. “Use the crystal. Control it.” It whispered again. I didn’t know what that voice was but I figured I should try everything and it wasn’t going to hurt.

I pulled the crystal out of my shirt for the second time that day. I starred down at it. The crystal must juice up my powers. I looked around again making sure I was alone before looking back at my mother. I leaned forward until my lips were mere inches from her body. Being this close I realized my mother stunk like a corpse. My hand clenched around the crystal and I felt some sort of a pull. “I beg you mom please raise from the dead help me in my time of need you’ve rested much to long it’s time to wake up.” I whispered sincerely. Still she didn’t move. Tears rose to my eyes. “I knew it wouldn’t work. Why do I bother. Everyone’s going to die because I don’t know how to use my powers. It’s all my fault and I can’t even fix it. I have to try to save everyone on earth but I don’t even know what the prophecy says because your to crazy to want to help me. I knew this was a waste of time.” A single tear fell. “I would of have been so embarrassed if I had brought everyone with me.” I vaguely felt a pull coming from the crystal. Behind my closed eyes a dim blue light illuminated the surrounding area. “It’s all your fault.” As if it was a knee jerk reaction I pulled back on that power. An aura wrapped it’s self around me I let it go and it landed on my mother. “All because you had to give birth to me. I wish I was never born.”

That’s when I felt it. The boomerang sensation like an elastic. “It’s okay. You’ll do the right thing.” A woman said. A soft hand stroked my cheek. My eyes snapped open to see my mother’s angelic face smiling at me. I gasped and fell backwards. “It’s okay don’t be scared. Here sit down.” She said pointing in front of me. I let go of that elastic feeling and my mothers skin quickly started to disintegrate. “Don’t let go the power. Hold on to it or I’ll die again.” She said quickly. I grabbed back at it and my mothers skin was back to normal. I hadn’t realized how much effort went into holding the power there. “Your as beautiful as I dreamed you.” My mother said sweetly. Her voice was soft and milky.

“Mom?” I asked tearing up again.

“How I wish I could have seen you grow up.” She said smiling.

 --- an hour later ---

“Someone’s coming.” My mother said. I’m not sure how long I had been taking to her but I found out everything I needed to know.

“It’s probably Clotho and Mat with their friends. I’m going to hold on longer so they can see you okay.” I said smiling at my mother. She looked at me worried.

“But sweetie, your nose has been bleeding. Your not powerful enough yet I told you. If you keep this up you’ll only damage your self or kill your self.”

I smiled. “It’s okay. It wouldn’t be fair to be the only one to see you.” I felt more blood trickle down my nose on onto my lip. I wiped it away just as everyone walked into the room

“I knew it.” Someone said.

“Psyche? Mom?” CT said in disbelief.

My mother looked back at me worried. I nodded my head. For her to move it used a lot more of my energy meaning if she wanted to go hug them I was going to be in serious pain. I watched as she stood up and passed me. No one made a sound as she made her way towards my brothers.

“I’m so sorry for what I did. It had to be done. It was the only this was going to happen.” Tears were in her voice. My brothers didn’t reply. “I wish I could have watched all three of you grow up. I wish your father and I could have raised you.” I continued starring at the place my mother once stood. I was using so much energy that if I moved I might lay off the elastic feeling and her face would start to disintegrate again.

There was a long pause. “Why do I smell blood?” Mat asked.

I heard my mother gasped. “I should get going. Your sister can’t hold on for much longer.” I heard her frantic steps make their way to me but my vision had already started to darken up. She sat down in front of me and patted my hand.

“Okay. I think you’ve held on for long enough.” She smiled. “Bye sweetie.”

“Bye.” I whispered as I let go and fell back. I felt my head hit the cement before I heard the voices call out to me.

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