Chapter 38

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Everyone had been keeping a close eye on me. They didn’t like the malicious way I had been acting or the way I laughed, they especially didn’t like the way I’ve been using magic non-stop. It was pissing me off. I got so mad I accidently on purpose set the common room on fire. I didn’t care, most of the furniture was ugly anyway but apparently they cared. Whatever.

            “Psyche you have a visitor. Try not to set her on fire. I’m sure she’d die.” One of the girls said.

            I looked at her confused as I walked to the common room. Luckily I knew a spell to restore furniture so I had fixed the room but they didn’t want to be anywhere near me or my magic for fear something went wrong, I’d been lying to them and telling them I haven’t been able to control my powers.

            When I entered the common room I was shocked to see Dalia of all people there. “What are you doing here?”

            “What no hug I missed you?” She laughed. I couldn’t even remember when was the last time I’d seen her. At school maybe but when? So much has happened that it feels like a year has gone by. What did we talk about last?

            “I did miss you, I’m just surprised. How did you know where I was?”

            “Dion told me. He said you’d been acting weird.” She walked over to me and dragged me to the couch. “So tell me what’s been going on in your life since we last talked. You haven’t shown up to school in like a week and a half. What’s up?”

            I smiled at her naïveness. I made me up this elaborate fake story, based on the truth, of what had been happening since my birthday. I had found my brothers and their friend kidnapped me while I was half naked and taken me to a house full of guys. I found out I had a mother who was crazy and killed one of my brothers and almost killed me about 150 years ago. I told her I was a very important person who could save the world from people who wanted to destroy it. I told her a girl and I had been kidnapped and tortured but then my brothers and Dion saved us. I told her about getting bit by a dog so badly I almost died but this random stranger saved my life. I told her about running away and finding a new group of weird friends that weren’t anything like what I was used to and finally I told her one of the girls had a Barbie set and I burned Barbie and then Ken and then accidently burnt the living room of the play house.

            She laughed. “You’re so funny. You always make up these funny stories.”

            “I’m a riot.” I smiled but I wasn’t laughing. I wish I could honestly tell her what was happening. She was my best friend, my diary, and for the last couple of months I haven’t been able to tell her anything. “I’ve missed you.” I said throwing myself at her.

            She laughed. “I’ve always been right here.”

            I laughed. She was always there but I was always here. The numb burning sensation came back to my eyes and I realized something.

            I never told her if I got contacts.

            She should have noticed why your eyes are a different color than usual.

            She can’t say she didn’t notice she was looking straight into my eyes earlier.

            “Hey Dalia.”


            “What was the very first thing you ever dared me to do?”

            She went stiff under my hug and tried to laugh to act as if nothing was wrong. “Why are you asking so suddenly?”

            “Just answer.”

            “But why? I think you’ve gotten too caught up in your head.” She giggled and I noticed it. Her giggle just a pinch lower, her eyes just a tad lighter, her scent not so beautiful.

            “Dion!” I screeched. I had planned to pull away from ‘Dalia’ but she pulled me closer and a sharp pain hit my back.

My eyes opened wide. My breath froze midway in my lungs. My body stiffened. My vision blurred. My heart stopped. I couldn’t describe what I felt right now. Shock. Guilt. Mad. Insane. Happy. Anger. Free. Most importantly was the betrayal I felt. It clouded up everything. My best friend that I once loved. The best friend I had imagined and planned a whole future around had...has. She tried to kill me. Is, killing me. A minuscule amount of breath that had been claimed by my throat was finally set free. Ever so slowly I looked down. The only thing I could see was a shiny point that was quickly becoming covered in blood. The knife had been so long it went in through my back and popped out in the front. I looked back up at her astonished. “You...” I breathed. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I had so much more to do. I was supposed to see my boyfriend in a week. Who’s going to tell him I died? When I looked back at ‘Dalia’ I saw her transforming and her scent grew stronger. I realized all too late she had used a special potion to change her scent and her physical body. Then I became confused.

Witches don’t know that spell and they don’t have a potion like that.

            Meaning one of my own people did this?

            There are more people out there like me?

            Why would they want me dead?

            I was too weak to fully process the sudden loudness that erupted around me. Dozens of big warm hands touched my body. Only a few cold ones stood out. My eyes were still open. I knew they were, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why I could only see blackness. I could slightly feel their touch. I could still hear their voices, faintly. I almost smell them. I just couldn’t see them. Slowly everything started disappearing. Their voices, their smell, their touch. For a moment I could have sworn I had seen their faces. Worried. Angry. Outraged. Sad. Disappointed. I gathered up all the energy I could muster up and in a large shock wave sent it out to random bodies in the room. The power give them knowledge on how to kill the black eyed beings and how to create weapons that can kill them. If I was to die they’d have no way to protect themselves, I need to give them a fighting chance. I heard the gasp and thuds as the powerful shock wave sent them to the floor. I felt the energy leave my body.

            Suddenly pictures flashed before my eyes. It wasn’t my life but it was. I wasn’t watching Alexandra Psyche Henderson’s life flash before my eyes, I watching Psyche Nikala Liamword’s life flash before my eyes, and the beauty of my real self was unbelievable.

            I could almost feel myself smiling. I think I finally understood my talk with Phoenix. It wasn’t time for me before, but it was now. My inevitable death finally arose. I’m supposed to die. This was it. This was the end.

            But then again, nothing ever really ends now does it.

:o Holy Jiminey Cricket! It's the last chapter!!!! Should i do an epilogue?

I was orgianlly going to have a second book that was going to be wayyyy cooler and intresting and actiony and romantic and have alot to do with romance but not many people have read this or commented or voted :( . For now I'll just have to leave it here until people demand it.



But i will do the epilogue :]

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