Chapter 17

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Since my broke down in front of Aaron I was scared that I might have ruined my future happy days. I carried luggage while traveling I didn’t want it to turn into baggage.

But I wasn’t scared anymore when the next day Aaron greeted me with the same smile and an even warmer hug. I felt close to him than I ever did before. Maybe it was important. I couldn’t just go around in the city of London with this baggage and I felt like talking to Aaron made it easier for me.

I was scared to even talk a little because I knew he might bombard me with questions but he didn’t. He just smiled at me and that made it all okay.

Karan didn’t call much after that. He called once and Aaron, well he sat on my bed and cut the call.

I told Aaron how I lost my heart to the one guy who didn’t even bother trashing it. I know I should have been upset if he had crushed it but he didn’t do anything at all with my heart. It would have been easier if he would have crushed it.

But he didn’t matter to me at all. Not anymore at least.

I went back to being my normal self, at least I tried. Or maybe just the way Aaron made things okay, I didn’t want to be hung up on this anymore. Especially not a past that didn’t matter anymore.

I danced in the sway with my arms wrapped around Aaron’s neck as the music slowly turned down. But I didn’t move. Things with the rehearsals for the play were going great.

Nothing much had bothered except for Bridget getting pity and Brad was always around just smiling and being nice but Jay always added fire to it. I seriously started to think Jay was paranoid but again, they had a past and I’m no one to judge.

Sam and Kyle had taken a step in the relationship. Kyle was invited to the Cruise house once in a while and David and Sandra just loved him. Who wouldn’t? He kept their little daughter happy and always put a smile on her face. Even with the holding hands from under the table.

Charles was on a roll to woo every possible girl and except a few make outs and virgins he couldn’t get Ms Miller.

Alex was the usual self. Joking, smiling, laughing and trying to for once, be able to mock his brother.

Eric on the other hand was probably going crazy. He started making changes in the play. Major changes. Eric even asked me out on a date and I said yes. I never admitted it to anyone but Sam about it. I mean going out with a teacher even for dinner is just too much to take in.

I did go out with Eric a lot but how I knew it was a date because he was in a best dressy jacket and pants and took me to one of those high end restaurants. I wore a light green mint coloured peplum dress and I was good to go! Sam covered up for me. I hadn’t even told Aaron about it. I just didn’t want anyone to know. Not even him. Even though I felt bad lying to him. I was close to Aaron but this was just so different

“You are a gentlemen!” I kept telling Eric on the date. He was mature and unlike boys my age knew more and treated me in a better way.

But after the date later when Eric dropped me just near the house where Sam was waiting for us. He leaned in and my heart beat didn’t pick up or my palms didn’t become sweaty. We didn’t kiss. I couldn’t.

But the same night when Aaron and I were having a chocolate and coffee even the touch of his hands got Goosebumps all over my body. The way my eyes might have had the shine when I looked at him like he had on naturally all the time.

I didn’t know what to tell Eric. I found him attractive and of course the beach boy yet the serious attitude. But I couldn’t go on and lead him into kisses. The classroom fantasies faded away smoothly. It was a phase. And I was happy it existed because my dream about the teacher had come true. But I might have done a disastrous thing.

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