Chapter 18

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If I were anything at that moment I’d be a hopeless romantic. Sitting with my diary in one hand and a pen in the other not knowing what to write. My thoughts kept coming back to the only thing that mattered- Aaron.

All I could think about was him. Everywhere, all the time. Just him. And when I didn’t think about him, I was with him.

I would batter my eyelashes when he’d pass me salt at the dinner table and he’d blush if I passed him the bread.
We’d share some chocolate at night and he’d kiss me good night on my cheek. Or maybe just the other day I kissed his cheek and then ran to my bed jumping like a five year old that may have broken a vase or something.

“You know I’ve noticed you and Aar these days..” Sam said rolling my eyes as I looked down in embarrassment.
“And it’s probably the cutest sight!” Sam turns to chuckle as another voice gets added to the conversation.
“What is cuter than me?” Kyle asks pouting as smile at him and Sam continues.
“The puppy love going around the house!”
“Hey! But we’re out most of the time.” Kyle says confused as Sam slams her books on his head.
“I was talking about Alysha and Aaron!”

I chuckled as our names were said together. I had the little butterflies all over my stomach just because what she said was all I wanted to hear. Our names said together, maybe with a heart shape on the paper. It was probably the stupidest and cheesiest thing to do but this feeling makes you do stupid things.

Be it put a piece of chocolate in his mouth or kiss him goodnight and right after that not be able to control your smile. Or be it hugging him for longer than usual. Or maybe just smiling at him all the time or stealing glances. In our case we even danced to the cute love songs and played the greatest lovers of all time, Romeo and Juliet.

When I told Samaira about it she literally squealed and jumped up and down. Best friend thing to do. And I was practically satisfied. Since Sammy has never liked any of my past choices even it was a hopeless secret crush for a day. Well of course it was a secret because I obviously don’t want people knowing. It would surely be a thing if in school anyone got to know about it.

Even though I really wasn’t sure if I’d ever be able to tell Aaron about it. I’m not telling him that I like some product. I practically might just open my heart in front of him once more and then be able to do it easily all the time. Or sit in the comfortable silence.

“Look who’s all chirpy!” Ms Miller greeted me as we entered the auditorium. I didn’t know what to say so I just looked aside and blushed but out of nowhere with a thump I fell.

My feet not being able to control it I slipped and fell down two steps, not two flights at least. My head resting on the floor I turned to look up and Sam helped me get up. I looked around and not many people had come for practice. Aaron might still be busy with the arrangements for yet another competition coming up!

“Are you all right?”  Sam asked as I nodded and then she turned.
“Bridget!” she scowled as Kyle patted on her shoulder but she threw his arm off.
“She can’t even watch a step and you made such a clumsy person play the lady like Juliet?” Bridget asked irritated.
“Yeah we couldn’t have a bitch play Juliet either.” Sam gave her a smirk and started walking towards her.

“Girls! Ms Miller came and shot them a look to which they just looked down.
“And Bridget, we couldn’t have a grumpy person like you play Juliet.” Ms Miller stated and that was the joke for the rest of the day.

Ms Miller practically called her a person with frowns and deep eyes planning yet another scheme on someone. A girl who hates her life and wants to be the school queen bee and ruin lives.

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