Ep8 - "Would this Year Be Any Different?"

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Friday ends with Carmine playing the game for a few more minutes before being called for dinner and later going to bed. And as Saturday finally comes around, he could only be sure it will be as great as his last visit.

Whether Vi's day would turn out great or not though is something she isn't sure about as she starts the day, waking up feeling pretty upset and anxious. Quickly, Vi gets up from the bed and grabs a nearby hand mirror.

With a shaky grip of the mirror and closed eyes, she holds it up to her face. One eye slowly opens and once she sees her reflection in the mirror, her other eye opens too as she lets out a relieved sigh.

"It was only a nightmare..." She says to herself before putting down the mirror. She goes back to her bed and sits down. "For a moment there, I thought I actually turned into... that girl"

Shivers go down her spine at the mere thought of it. She could still remember her dream vividly, being in the shoes of the one character she hates most from a TV series.

The embodiment of her least favourite tropes done in the worst way possible: Viridian Trepein.

"Why do we have to have a similar name..." She lets out a sigh when she's suddenly approached by her pet kitten. "Aww, I'm sorry, Candy. Did I happen to wake you?" She pats her head softly.

In response to her, the kitten makes a concerned meow.

"Oh, don't worry about me, Candy" Vi replies with a little smile. "It was only a nightmare. As long as I don't turn out to be like... her, I'll be alright"

The kitten then makes a small reassured meow in response. Vi smiles at her and gives her more headpats as the kitten purrs to them.

Hearing the kitten meow again, Vi stops her headpats and says, "Yeah, I should probably get dressed. Soon enough, my mother will call me for breakfast and I wouldn't want to be wearing pajamas haha"

Vi then goes to change out of her pajamas and into some casual clothes for the day. After a little while, she hears her mother calling out to her from downstairs.

"Viiiii! If you're up already, why don't you come down here for breakfast? I've made strawberry waffles for your special day!"

Vi smiles in response and replies, "I'll be there in a minute!" But just then, she remembers what her mother just said. "Wait, did she just say... special day?"

With this thought in mind, her anxiety returns and she grabs her phone from the bedside table, checking the date today.

It's March 15.

"This isn't good..." She says to herself as her hand begins to shake. Having noticed this, she puts her phone back down, not wanting to drop it by accident.

She then looks at the kitten still sitting beside her, who once more has a concerned look on her face.

"What do I do, Candy? Later today, Carmine's supposed to come over for another visit. The two of us already planned to play the game together and I'm pretty sure he already has a new phone by now. I don't want to end up cancelling that..."

The kitten makes a confused meow, not having an idea on what to do as well.

"Well..." Vi starts to say as an idea forms in her mind. "I suppose I could choose to only stay inside my room and still play the game with him. After all, you don't have to be side by side to play the game together, right?"

She perks up at the idea. "Yes, this will work. I only have to share my username with him later and for him to do the same. I don't think he would mind it either as long as we're able to play the game together"

The kitten nods in response until another thought comes to Vi's mind.

"But then that leaves another concern of mine. Knowing what day it is today, I fear it could end as badly as the previous years... Do you think it could be different this time around?"

In response, the kitten puts her paw on the back of Vi's hand, seemingly trying to give her a sense of comfort before letting out a reassuring meow.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right" Vi says. "There's always a possibility for a day to turn into a potentially good one, and you can never be too sure until the day comes to an end"

The kitten nods at her words, making her smile. She pats the kitten again as she purrs to her headpats.

"Thank you again, Candy. While I have yet to be sure on how I'm somehow able to understand you, regardless, I'm really glad to have you here with me"

The kitten meows happily in response, purring some more. Vi continues to pat her head for a little longer before she stops and gets up from the bed.

"It's already past a minute, so we should probably head downstairs now. Regardless of the date today, I don't really feel comfortable eating food inside my room haha"

The kitten nods in agreement as the two walk up to the door and leave the room. But the moment Vi is five more steps down the bottom of the stairs, she ends up slipping and falling down.

"...Ugh..." She groans in pain as her mother calls out her name in a panic, rushing to her side, followed by the also concerned kitten.

"Are you hurt anywhere? Any vital injuries?" Her mother asks, checking on her for any injuries.

"Meow?" The kitten also asks through a concerned meow.

"I-I'm alright. I think I only bruised my left arm" Vi replies as she's helped up by her mother.

"I'll go get you some ice. Wait right there" Her mother says before leaving and returning with the ice wrapped in a paper towel. She then gently applies it to her bruised arm.

After about 10 minutes, she stops and pulls the paper towel away from her arm.

"And here I was expecting your day won't start out with falling down the stairs again" Her mother says, letting out a sigh.

"My apologies for being careless... I should've been more careful..." Vi says, looking down as she receives a gentle pat on the head, making her look up at her mother. Her mother has a soft smile on her face.

Her mother then says, "There's no need to apologize, Vi. I'm just reassured to see it wasn't anything serious like those other times. All I'd wish for is that you're able to enjoy your special day this time around. Nothing more would make me happier, so hopefully this is a forgiving year"

Hearing this, it makes Vi smile back a little. The kitten then makes a reassured meow upon seeing her smile.

"I'm really glad it's nothing serious" Her mother says. "But do make sure to apply the ice every now and then so the bruise can heal slowly. Several times a day would be enough. But don't forget to take a break either whenever you apply it, okay?"

Vi simply nods in response to her words.

"With that said, let's make our way to the kitchen and eat breakfast before the waffles get cold" Her mother then says as Vi nods again in response. They head to the kitchen with the kitten following behind.

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