Ep21 - "Good Morning"

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After what was a very special day for Vi, she wakes up early in the morning, having slept peacefully beside her pet kitten Candy.

She sits up and looks at the still sleeping kitten, smiling at her. Just then, a knock on the door is heard and so she says, "Come in"

The door opens as her father enters the room and she smiles a little wider upon seeing him. "Hey there, lil star. Did you sleep well?"

"Good morning, father. I slept quite peacefully last night and I hope you had a well-rested sleep as well" Vi replies.

"Glad to hear that. I slept well myself" Her father says. "I guess getting the rare chance to sleep beside my wife again made my sleep more peaceful than it usually would be"

"Hehe, that's great to hear" Vi says before asking, "When are you leaving for work by the way? I'd love to see you off on your way out"

"After breakfast. The chance to eat a meal again with my family is too nice to pass up" He answers, which makes her a little happier to hear.

Every moment Vi would get to spend with his whole family is rare nowadays but always welcome to have. And having been reminded of the chance he could get a new job where he'll no longer have to live apart from them, it's something she could hardly wait for but tries to be patient regardless.

"Your mother's making strawberry waffles for breakfast. You never got to eat them last time so she decided that'll be our breakfast for today" Her father adds. "At least that's what she told me"

While the blueberry waffle Carmine shared with Vi was good and she's glad she got to eat that, hearing what's for breakfast and why that is still make her pretty happy. And so far, this morning's been going well. Is today trying to make up for yesterday morning?

"In the meantime..." Her father starts to say, catching her attention once more as he brings something out from his pocket. It's a stack of UNO cards. He holds the stack of cards up and asks, "Wanna play a friendly game of UNO with me?"

"Sure, I'd love to" Vi replies.

"Great! Just make sure to go easy on me, alright?" Her father says, still smiling.

"Oh, there's nothing to worry about, father" Vi brushes him off. "I'm not always competitive"

In response, he rolls his eyes and says, "We'll see about that"

The game soon begins with Vi and her father having 7 cards each. In order to win, one of them will have to get rid of all their cards. They will take turns with having to place a card face up and the other player will have to match their one of their cards with theirs.

It's either the same colour, type, or number. If their card doesn't match with the card that's been placed, the player will have to take a card from the draw pile.

Soon enough, Vi's competitive side takes over, especially with how lucky she's been to get some of the special cards every now and then.

Her father doesn't seem to mind at all though and he hasn't gotten frustrated throughout the game once. He just seems to be having an overall good time like she is. He even goes out of his way to congratulate her every win.

"Congrats on another win, Vi. I see you're still very good at this game" Her father says.

"Hehe, of course" Vi replies.

"Since it's almost time for breakfast, I'm going to clean this up now" Her father says. "Thanks again for playing the game with me"

"You're welcome. I'm always happy to have these friendly games with you" She replies. "Here. Let me help you"

Once the two finish cleaning up the UNO cards, her father puts the stack of cards back into his pocket just as they hear her mother calling out to them from downstairs.

"Vi, Olive! It's time for breakfast" Vi's mother yells out. "Oh, and if Candy is already awake, bring her along too"

"We'll be right there, mother!" Vi yells back.

"Well, Candy seems to be waking up" Her father says. They both look at the kitten as she lets out a sleepy yawn and sits up.

"Good morning, Candy" They both greet her with a smile and the kitten returns it with a little happy meow.

"We're going to eat breakfast now" Vi's father says.

"Would you like to come along?" Vi asks as the kitten meows in response. "Okay then, let's head downstairs"

Soon at the dinner table, the whole family's eating the strawberry waffles on their plates while as per usual, the kitten waits patiently nearby for her turn to eat some food of her own.

Nothing much to say about it other than it's nice for them all getting to eat a meal together like this again. Vi could only hope they would get to do it a lot more in the near future.

But sadly, the time to see her father off has already arrived after everyone including the kitten finishes their breakfast.

They all walk alongside each other. Once they reach the door, Vi's father looks back at his family.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted" Her father says. "While I don't know when's the next time I'll get to see you again, I truly enjoyed spending time with you all"

"I'm happy we've gotten to have this chance as well" Her mother says.

"Me too" Vi replies. "I hope we could see you again soon, father"

The kitten lets out a meow right after what she said.

"Hmm?" Her father expresses his curiosity.

"What did she say?" Her mother asks.

"Oh, Candy's just asking for headpats from you, father"

"Ah, of course. Gladly" Her father replies as he pats the kitten's head, making her purr in response.

He soon stops, looking back at his family, saying, "Well, I suppose I shall get going then. Once more, I'll make sure to update you with how the initial interview goes"

Vi and her mother nod in response as her mother says, "We shall be rooting for you from here and here's to hoping the interview would go well for you, Olive"

"I hope you'll be hired by whichever company it is, father" Vi says and the kitten also lets out a meow, wishing him good luck.

"Thank you, everyone. I truly appreciate your support" Her father replies. "I shall do my best next week. Until then, I'll see you in my next call"

"I'll see you around, father"

"See you, lil star"

"See you again, Olive"

"See you, Jade"


"See you too, Candy"

Afterwards, the family including the kitten all end up sharing a hug together. In a few moments, they let go of the hug.

Vi and her mother then wave goodbye at him as he leaves the house, closing the door behind him.

"I'm going to miss him" Vi says towards the closed door.

"Me too, Vi" Her mother says, also looking at the door. "I really do hope the interview goes well for him and the possible interviews after that as well"

"I hope so as well"

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