Ep25 - "Waiting for the Other"

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The game of chess goes on and before Mr. Beaumont could make another move with one of his chess pieces on the chessboard, a voice is heard nearby.

"Okayyyyy, I'm readyyyyy"

Vi, Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont all turn to face the blonde-haired girl smiling at them as their eyes meet with her grey ones.

"What do you think? What do you think? Does this outfit look perfect or what?" The girl asks.

"You look great, Hany" Mrs. Beaumont says.

"It looks really good on you" Mr. Beaumont says.

But as Vi expected, hearing those words only make the girl a little unhappy, so she says, "You look perfect, Hany"

Only when hearing her words does Hany smile bright once more.

"Thanks! I really appreciate it hehe" Hany replies, then she looks at her wristwatch. "A few minutes before 10am"

She lets out a sigh of relief. "It was close, but guess I'm not late after all" Then she looks back up at Vi, rubbing the back of her head with a nervous smile. "Sorry for making you wait though"

"It's alright" Vi replies. "I didn't mind"

This reassures Mars as she smiles again before asking, "Where's Marcy by the way? Is she here yet?"

Vi shakes her head. "No, she isn't here yet. She's probably waiting back at home just so she can arrive late haha"

It's almost 10am which is their supposed meeting time. While Hany is always going out of her way to make sure she doesn't look less than perfect, she also makes sure to pay attention to what time it is, so that she won't be late.

Mars on the other hand is always making sure to arrive an hour later than the time she's supposed to arrive. Because of this, Mars has never once gotten anything but a late record at school and it's one of the reasons why she ends up getting scolded so often by their teachers.

Hany laughs nervously. "I wouldn't be surprised. Marcy's definition of evil is just too silly sometimes. Imagine if she knew what it actually means to be evil. Would things have been different?"

Vi thinks to herself, "We probably wouldn't be friends with her if that were the case. But then again... there are lots of fictional works where evil befriends good, so who knows what could've happened"

"Honestly, I still think we would've been good friends" Hany says, contrasting with Vi's thoughts a moment ago until she adds, "Unless she's evil to the point of no redemption, then..."

She then shakes her head, smiling nervously. "Surely that wouldn't have happened though"

"Only in a different timeline will we exactly know the answer" Vi ends up saying.

"I guess" Hany says.

Mrs. Beaumont then speaks up. "Well, considering your friend won't be here until an hour later..."

Mr. Beaumont then asks, "Is there anything you two want to do while you wait?"

"Hmm... I suppose Hany and I could join Amber in his drawing activity. But it's only a suggestion" Vi says. "What he's doing looks like fun"

"Ooo, that's a great idea, Vi!" Hany replies. "Maybe we could even all try drawing the same thing or character, and compare them with each other and see whose is better. It's nothing much. Just a fun little competition thingy"

"Perhaps, but we'll need to ask him first" Vi says before thinking to herself. "Why do I have a bad feeling about her idea though? Surely it'll be as fun as I would expect, right? ...Hopefully, it would be"

"Let's go and ask him then" Hany says. She's then about to grab Vi's left arm until she seems to notice her bruise on it and grabs her right arm instead, making Vi feel relieved and smile a little.

"Have fun, you two!" Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont say as Hany takes Vi to the living room where Amber should be.

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