Ep16 - "How Did She Know?"

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(A while ago in Vi's P.O.V. before she went to the guest room)

It hasn't been long since Carmine left for the guest room and while Vi's waiting for his return, she notices a friend request from a player named 'Minmin' in the game.

"Minmin? Who could that be?" She begins to wonder to herself, looking at Minmin's profile photo of Cheryl Ashford. Curious to know more, she goes to look at the player's profile.

What catches her attention in the profile being what the player decided to write for the small little quote.

"It's silly how the 3 first letters of my names say CarCar lol"

"CarCar? That really is silly haha" She giggles to herself when she remembers something. "Wait a minute... CarCar... CarCar... Carmine... Carmichael? Wait, is this... Carmine?"

"I suppose the only person who would know of my username would be him. But hold on, if it is him, why would he send me a friend request instead of heading back here? He could've sent it to me anytime once he got back. So why...?"

"Maybe I should go there and check on him. But first..." Vi turns off her phone and puts it in her pocket. She then looks down at the still sleeping kitten on her lap. She doesn't like disturbing her sleep, so fortunately for her, the kitten wakes up before she had to.

"Oh, good, you're awake" Vi says before asking, "Say, uh, Candy, would you mind jumping out my lap?"

The kitten looks up at her, tilting her head as she lets out a curious "Meow?"

"I just need to get up and check up on Carmine" Vi tells her, which gives her an uninterested meow in response. "Oh come on, Candy. For all we know, he could be trapped in the guest room right now"

Hearing this, the kitten soon leaps out of her lap. Vi smiles softly at this. "I guess she does worry about him too. Heh. What a little tsundere"

Vi then gets up, patting the kitten's head. "Thank you, Candy" She says before making her way to the stairs. She simply stares at them as the memory of her falling down the stairs this morning is still fresh in her mind.

Taking a deep breath, she carefully takes one step each, making sure to hold onto the handrails as she climbs up. Seeing how she manages to get upstairs without falling down this time, a smile finds its way to her face.

After a bit, she heads to the guest room and on her way there, she starts thinking to herself.

"It's been a while since I went to the guest room. I wonder why I hardly ever go there? No one really goes to that room either. Why's that again?"

The moment she spots the guest room and touches the doorknob, it reminds her of one of the reasons for it. The door only opens from the outside.

With that in mind, Vi opens the door, making sure to hold onto the doorknob and leave the door open. It may not close on its own, but with how little she went to this room, she doesn't want to take any chances.

Carmine soon turns to face Vi, surprised by her sudden arrival. Seeing him, she smiles softly. "Thank goodness, you're alright. I was getting worried about you..."

Still keeping the door open, she then adds, "Come on. Let's get you out of here"

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