Ep26 - "A Friendly Competition?"

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Hany takes Vi to the living room, then tells her to wait there. Thinking Hany's probably off to get some drawing materials, Vi nods in response and takes a seat on the couch.

But when Hany gets back, instead of drawing materials, she's only holding a towel that seems to be wrapped around the ice along with a box of band-aids.

This surprises Vi as Hany takes a seat beside her and in a gentle voice, she says, "I don't know if you already applied this earlier. But I thought I should bring it just in case to help heal your bruise"

"Oh" Vi simply says and can't help but smile a little at this sweet gesture. While she'd rather say no to the idea, her friend already brought the towel-wrapped ice and box of band-aids. "I suppose now would be a good time to apply the ice"

She then adds, "But... is it okay if I don't cover up the bruise with a band-aid? While I do appreciate the thought, I don't think it's really necessary to use a band-aid for this, so..."

"That's okay" Hany replies and puts the box on the table before looking back at Vi. "I did only bring it in case you might need it. Though, would you mind if I help with applying the ice?"

"I don't mind that" Vi replies, reaching out her left arm as Hany applies it to the bruise there. "Thank you for this by the way"

"No prob! I just gotta apply it like this for 10 minutes, right?" Hany asks and Vi nods in response. Soon, 10 minutes pass and Hany leaves the room to put away the towel-wrapped ice and box of band-aids she brought.

She comes back a little while after, now holding the drawing materials such as a pencils, papers, and a box of crayons.

The two then goes to ask Amber who's still drawing and humming to himself on the floor. He now also seems to have a black and light grey baseball cap with a small white mountain design on it.

"Didn't think there'd be a day you'd be wearing that" Hany comments. "I thought you didn't like the colour"

Hearing this, Amber stops drawing and turns to look at them. "Well, I had to do something about my bangs while I haven't gotten my haircut yet. And this cap does look pretty cool now that I'm wearing it"

He then adds, "Maybe you could wear yours too so we could match"

"While I still do think it's a cool cap, I'm still not wearing it. It would cover the top of my hair and I don't want that" Hany says, disagreeing with the idea.

"I guess that makes sense" Amber says. "Anyways, you two need anything?"

"We were actually wondering if you mind if we join you. Is that okay?" Vi asks him.

"Sure, I don't mind. As long as it's gonna be just for fun" Amber says.

"Of course!" Hany replies. "In fact, you know what could make drawing more fun?"

"What could that be?" Amber asks, but Vi could already tell what she means by that as she was already told about it by Hany a little while ago.

"A friendly competition!" Hany replies. "You, me, and Vi. We're gonna draw the same thing or character, and then compare them to each other. Whoever's drawing is better wins! Wouldn't that be fun?"

"I don't know about this, Hany. I only draw for fun and I'm not really the competitive guy" Amber says, not really keen on the idea.

"But this is a fun idea! And don't worry, there'll be no hard feelings later" Hany says, insisting they do it. "Come on, Amberrrrr. It's just one lil competition"

"Oh, alright" Amber says. "But like you said, no hard feelings later, okay? No matter how our drawings turn out, let's be proud of it and appreciate them for what they are"

Hany smiles at this, saying, "Got it"

"So, what or who are we planning to make a drawing of?" Vi asks.

"Oh, I already thought of that actually hehe" Hany says. "I was thinking we could draw flowers"

"Our favourite flowers?" Amber asks.

"Well, I was actually thinking we could draw the same flower, but that works too" Hany says.

"I don't have any favourites in particular, but if I were to pick a flower, I guess it would be a green gladiolus" Vi says. "It means green star and not only is it my favourite colour, but the star part also fits with my surname hehe"

"Ooo, nice!" Hany says.

"That sounds like a cool flower" Amber says.

"It is" Vi says before asking, "Is it okay if I use a reference to make the drawing? I can't really remember what it looks like from the top of my head"

"From the top of your wha?" Hany tilts her head in a bit of confusion.

"Of course. References are fine with me" Amber says.

"Oh thank goodness" Hany says. "I don't think I could draw a yellow marigold flower if I have to rely on my memory alone haha"

"Ahaha, same here" Amber says.

"Wait, your favourite flower is that too?" Hany asks, not expecting this as Amber nods in response.

"Yeah. Surely just a coincidence though and nothing to do with us being twins" Amber says.

"I wasn't thinking that" Hany says before saying the last part in a lower voice, "Maybe"

Vi and Amber can't help but let out a small giggle at this.

Hany then says, "Anyways, let's get started"

The two nod at her in response as they start making their drawings.

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