Ep23 - "Asking for Permission"

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Having told her friends she's gonna go with them, Vi exits the messaging app and turns off her phone. She doesn't turn off her internet connection in case any new messages or notifications come in. She usually turns it off when she's about to go to sleep.

Even though she soon goes to charge her phone for later usage, she'd much rather keep the internet connection on just in case. She then sits back down on the bed and looks at the kitten sitting beside her.

While what one would usually do first is ask the parent for permission, for Vi, it would to let the kitten know about it first, so she calls for her attention.

"Sooo, Candy" She starts to say as the kitten turns to look back at her and tilts her head curiously. "I'm going to the amusement park with my friends later"

She then says, "I'd really love to bring you along, but sadly, the amusement park won't allow it... Would you be okay staying at home today?"

In response, the kitten nods at her before putting one of her paws down on the back of her hand. She then lets out a meow, sounding worried about her.

"Huh? Me?" Vi asks before saying, "Don't worry about me, Candy, I'll be fine. I'm only spending time with my friends. What's there to worry about?"

The kitten lets out another meow of concern, tilting her head again.

"Yes, I'm sure" Vi says with confidence. She smiles a bit at the kitten, patting her head. "I'll miss you a lot though"

The kitten can't help but purr while Vi pats her head. She lets out a meow and in that single meow, she expresses how she's gonna miss her a lot too and for her to take care later on.

"Thank you, Candy" Vi says, smiling softly at her, still patting her head. "Even though you're only going to be staying home, I hope you take care as well"

After one happy meow from Candy, Vi stops patting her head and pockets her phone. She then tells the kitten she's going downstairs now to ask her mother for permission.

Getting up from the bed, Vi leaves the room with the kitten following right after. They both go downstairs to look for her and spot her sitting on the couch in the living room.

Once they head to where she is, Vi sees her looking at several sheets of paper, a bottle of glue, a clip binder, a stapler, and some kind of coloured papers.

"What are you doing, mother?" Vi asks, catching her mother's attention.

"Well, I'm trying to make something, but I've unfortunately already forgotten how to. And it's something I really wish to create before the day ends" Her mother replies.

"I wonder what she's trying to make?" Vi wonders to herself before making a suggestion. "Hmm... Perhaps you could look it up on the internet. That might help"

"I suppose it could. Almost everything is already on the internet after all" Her mother says. "But first, I should go get my reading glasses"

Her mother gets up from the couch, but before she could walk away, Vi calls for her attention, making her stop and look back at her.

"Yes, Vi?" Her mother asks.

"Umm... you see, uhhh..." Vi looks away, feeling nervous all of a sudden as she rubs the back of her head.

"Why is this suddenly a little hard to do? I'm only asking her for permission. But then again... I always ask for permission first before deciding to go somewhere"

"Whether it's by myself or with anyone, I never forgot to ask for permission first. This is the first time I actually forgot to do that. I wonder... would mother be upset when she finds out?"

"Vi?" Her mother calls out to her, probably more than once, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"So, uhhh... Is it okay if I go to the amusement park with my friends?" Vi asks and before her mother could say anything, she continues to speak while still looking away.

"I, umm... forgot to ask for your permission first and... I already told them I'm going. I-I just want to let you know that too and, umm..."

"You don't have to apologize, Vi. It's okay. I'm not upset at you" Her mother says, finally allowing Vi to look back up at her.

"Thank you for letting me know. As long as you don't stay out too late and you're careful not to use your left arm as much as possible, I'm okay with you spending time with them too. So... don't feel bad... okay?"

Hearing her words of reassurance, Vi could simply nod in response before thinking to herself. "I'll... try not to"

"At what time are you meeting with them?" Her mother asks.

"Hany said we're meeting later at her place at 10am, so her parents could drive us there" Vi answers. "She didn't tell me what time we're going to head home though. I'll ask her later about it"

"Oh okay. When she tells you, let me know. Even a very short message will do as long as it has that detail" Her mother tells her and Vi nods in response.

"I'll keep that in mind" Vi replies. "In the meantime, would you like for me to lend you some help with that?"

Her mother shakes her head. "No, this is something I would like to make on my own. I appreciate the thought though"

"Oh, that's okay. I wish you good luck with it then, mother"

"Thank you, Vi. I'll show it to you when it's finished"

"I'm looking forward to it"

Vi and the kitten then go to watch some silly cat and mouse show on TV as they wait for 10am to arrive.

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