Ep28 - "In the Parking Lot"

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The car soon reaches the amusement park and once Mrs. Beaumont parks the car in the parking lot, she turns off the engine.

She and Mr. Beaumont get out of the car and go to remove the seatbelts of all four children seated in the back seats before helping them get out of the car.

"Okay" Mr. Beaumont says. "Now that everyone's out of the car. We'll go ahead and figure out how to lock the car. Doors, windows, and whatever else that's needed to be locked"

"But I can do it myself, Al. Surely by now I know how" Mrs. Beaumont says.

"Come on, let me help you this time, hon" He says. "I know how much you struggled last time. By the time I was finished with grocery shopping, you were still outside figuring out how to lock the car by yourself"

"Wait, did that really happen?" Vi can't help but be surprised by this.

This ends up making Mrs. Beaumont blush out of embarrassment as she says, "H-Hey. You don't have to tell the kids about that too you know"

He realizes this and lets out a nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "Ahaha, my bad. Didn't mean to let them know that"

Mrs. Beaumont pouts at his words when her husband asks her again, "Are you really sure you got this under control?"

Hearing his question, she looks at the car, then at the others, then back at him. She lets out a sigh. "Okay, I suppose I do need your help. But only because I don't want to make the kids wait too long"

Mr. Beaumont smiles softly in response. "I'll do my best to help"

His wife smiles softly back at him. Seeing this, the others can't help but smile at them.

Mrs. Beaumont then turns to face them and asks, "Well, while we're taking care of this, in the meantime, would you kids mind waiting for a little longer?"

"Sure" Mars says.

"I don't mind" Hany says.

"I can wait" Amber says.

"So can I" Vi says.

Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont smile in response, thanking them before they start taking care of locking the car.

While they're busy with that, Vi and everyone else look at the amusement park itself from where they stand.

They can't see it fully, but it's enough to bring a bright smile and starry eyes to Hany's face.

"Wow... we're actually here" Hany says, then she faces Amber and holds his hands. "We're actually here, Amber! It's the amusement park!"

Amber smiles, looking back at Hany as he replies with, "I guess we are" He looks back at the amusement park. "And here I thought we'd actually have to wait till we turn 14 to visit this place. It looks so bright and colourful as I imagined"

"Wait, you both have never been to one before?" Mars asks. "My parents take me to this place a lot. So many times in fact that I'm sure not to get lost here at this point"

"Luckyyyyy" Hany says before letting go of Amber's hands and facing Vi. "What about you, Vi? Is this your first time coming here too? Or did you visit this place many times like Marcy did?"

"Well... I've only ever been to an amusement park once with my parents" Vi answers, then she thinks to herself.

"And honestly, I don't really remember how that went. But surely I did have fun, right? I was with my parents and there were fun activities we could've partaken in, so we all must've had a fun time. I just have a vague memory of it due to how young I was at the time"

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