Ep29 - "Untitled: the Park"

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The closer Vi and Mars get, the clearer the music becomes on their way to the entrance of the amusement park.

"I've never heard this song before, but it has a nice melody to it. Though why do I feel like I've forgotten about something? Hmm..."

After walking for a few more minutes, they arrive by the others' side. The ticket attendant then speaks with a smile.

"Hello! How can I help you?" He asks. "Would you like for me to provide you with six tickets for you and the children? Or do you by any chance already have tickets for everyone ready?"

Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont proceed to tell him about the six tickets that they have. And while they're busy talking to the ticket attendant, Vi tries to remember what she might've forgotten about, only to notice the words written above on the amusement park gates.

"Untitled: the Park" is the name of the amusement park apparently. There's also a slogan which is a bit smaller than the name itself.

"An amusement-filled park for all ages?" Vi reads the slogan.

"While the amusement park looks great, the name and slogan probably need some improvement" Hany comments. "I-I mean, that's probably what most thinks at first glance is what I'm assuming"

"Are you kidding?" Mars says. "That's probably by far the most interesting name and slogan for an amusement park I've ever seen. And before you ask, no, it was not sarcasm"

Vi nods. "I honestly agree with Mars in that regard. It sounds interesting enough to me too at least. I could only wonder what deep meaning lies behind them, especially the name. That would be cool to find out"

"Didn't expect to hear someone agreeing with me. But thank you, Vi" Mars says to Vi, smiling at her.

"I guess in a sense, they do sound creative" Amber says.

"And thank you too, Amber" Mars smiles a bit wider, then looks at Hany. "Well, guess that's three to one"

There's a bit of pause before Hany replies with, "Silly Marcy, I wasn't even trying to compete with you. I just wanted to express my thoughts, that's all"

"I know. I was just saying" Mars says. "Anyways, are we gonna get in soon? They seem to be talking for quite a while now and I'm probably missing out on all the action happening inside"

"They seem to be enjoying their little chat, so I don't mind waiting that much" Amber says.

"Well, as long as I get to try out most of the rides and games this place has before 6 o' clock, I can wait" Hany says.

"Ohhh, so we're supposed to head home at 6pm" Vi says. "I can't believe I forgot to ask about that haha. Knowing I might just forget later, I should probably let my mother know now"

"Gonna do the same before my parents decide to text me every five minutes later. They will definitely do that if they don't know when I'll get home haha" Mars says.

Vi and Mars walk away from the others and from each other. Vi then brings out her phone and unlocks it. She opens the messaging app and types a message to her mother, keeping the message as short as she can.

|Vi: I'll be home by 6pm, mother. I hope you're doing well over there :)

Shortly after, she receives a reply.

|Jade: Thank you. I'm doing fine by far and I hope you are too. May you take care on your way home, Vi.

Vi smiles at the message and gives it a green heart emoji react before exiting the app and turning her phone off. She then puts her phone back in her pocket. And just in time too as Mr. and Mrs. Beaumont call for her and Mars.

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