Ep11 - "A Little Warmth"

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As Vi's morning's going slightly better than she would expect, she remains seated by the fireplace with the kitten still lying on her lap.

She would play the game like she usually does, but due to her left arm still having a bruise, she can't really do that right now and lets out a sigh.

"It's such a shame I can't play the game today with Carmine. I've been really looking forward to it too. What would we even do later now that we can't play the game together? Am I going to watch him play the game today this time? Hmm..."

Just then, Vi hears a meow from the kitten, which then leads her to say, "Yeah, I suppose I should just wait for his visit later. There are still a few more hours before then. In the meantime..."

She turns her phone on again and unlocks it before going on the app meant for watching videos. There she simply watches gameplays of other players, not only of the game she plays on her phone, but other games that catch her interest as well.

While Vi's doing that, Carmine and his father on the other hand have yet to eat breakfast as Carmine has just left on his way to the market, having been entrusted with another small errand by his father.

Every now and then, Carmine would be allowed to go on an errand alone after having gotten home safely the first time. There are still times though when his father would accompany him, at least when it's far and will take longer rather than a quick trip.

Regardless, Carmine's glad his father would let him go outside alone even if it's only for errands. Even though he now has a phone, staying indoors all day every weekend is still something he'd rather not do after all.

But as the weather becomes a bit colder, he could feel himself slowly taking back what he said about staying indoors all day, wishing to head back home as soon as possible.

There may not be a fireplace or a heater or anything like that there, but it's still better than being out in the open cold like this.

"Maybe I should've worn warmer clothes instead... March can be a bit too cold sometimes" He thinks to himself as he continues walking to the market, trying not to let the cold weather get to him too much.

"Would probably help if I know how to use my power, but I'm still learning. Haven't even practiced using it yet cause I don't even know where to start haha"

Carmine then shrugs his shoulders, thinking, "Eh, no rush. Let's just focus on buying those blueberries for now"

On his way to the market, he expects to see Vi anytime now, but to his surprise, he doesn't see her and not before long, he's already on his way back from the market.

"Guess Vi stayed home this time. Can't say I wouldn't do the same if I knew it'd be this cold out haha. Then again... Oh well, I'm already on my way back and I'll get to see her later anyway"

A smile then forms on his face at the thought of her. "I can't wait to play the game with her. That is, if she'll be up for it later. After all, it's not like we made any promise or plans last time, so I can't be too sure yet. I look forward to it anyway hehe"

Soon, Carmine heads home with the blueberries he bought from the market, happy to be back home and feeling less cold.

For breakfast, his father makes some blueberry waffles, which they both end up enjoying. After that, Carmine goes to his room, playing his game for the next few hours while lying on the bed.

Leveling up from his current level ends up taking much more time and effort than usual. But even so, he smiles at how far he's gotten in the game and could only look forward to possibly playing it with Vi later.

And then, lunchtime arrives, so Carmine stops his gaming, putting away his phone for the time being before heading to the kitchen. By then, lunch is already served and the table's already set too.

His father's just waiting for him to take a seat, so he does and then they start to eat lunch. After they finish lunch and the dishes are washed, Carmine and his father start getting ready.

After Carmine takes a bath and brushes his teeth, he goes to his room and puts on some warmer clothes just in case the weather gets colder later.

He then leaves the room and goes to the house's exit where his father is waiting, walking up to him with slower movement than usual.

"Umm, sport, don't you find it hard to move wearing that many layers?" His father asks, smiling nervously. "You seem to be sweating and having a hard time to breathe too..."

"A-Ahaha, n-now that you mentioned it... I p-probably got c-carried away. I-I'll go change" Carmine says, turning around to make his way back to his room before his father goes to help, trying to keep him from falling down on the floor.

His father leaves to wait by the exit again once they reach Carmine's room. Once there, Carmine changes into much more comfortable yet still warm clothes.

Satisfied with his choice, he goes to see his father again by the exit, who seems to be also relieved with his choice this time.

But before they could leave the house, his father says he's forgotten something and goes to get it, returning shortly after with a lunch box. And to his surprise, it has the same blueberry waffle they had for breakfast today.

Looking at the lunch box containing the food, Carmine asks his father, "You gonna bring that to work today, dad?"

His father shakes his head, making him a bit more confused when he says, "No, this is for you, sport"

"Me?" Carmine voices out his confusion.

"Yeah" His father smiles. "You really enjoyed the waffles, didn't you? So, I thought to make another you could bring later. I would've liked to make more for you and also some for our neighbours. But I didn't have much time to make more haha"

Though he wasn't expecting this, Carmine smiles softly at his father and says, "It's okay, dad. There's still next time. And if they want some, I don't mind sharing either"

His father smiles a bit wider, giving the lunch box to Carmine which he happily takes in his hands.

"Thanks, dad" Carmine says as his father simply smiles at him. "Let's get going then?"

His father nods as they leave the house and he close it behind them before locking the door. And then off to their neighbours' place they go.

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