f o u r t e e n

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i went home and thought about what just happened.
yeah maybe i overreacted but who wouldn't.
i actually don't know why i did.

this is what i was signing up for, to help him with scarlett, and for him to help me with nate.

i didn't even tell him what happened yesterday.

i'm so stupid.

but it was weird they way i felt yesterday was different.
the way it hurt was a different type of hurt and by different i mean it hurt more than usual.

i should go say sorry.

i didn't mean to flip out on him.

sometimes my emotions just get the best of me and i feel really bad.

as long as he was happy yesterday i was okay.

i'm such a hypocrite, honestly.

i was mad at the fact that he kissed scarlett but i kissed nate, even if he did kiss me first i kissed him back and i didn't stop him.

i need to apologize.

*can i talk to you? its important*

i texted him and he said yeah.

*meet me at the tree house*

i changed into one of jacks michigan hoodies he left over my house and some sweat pants.

i took my phone off the charger and walked to his house.

i went through the back entrance and waited for him at the tree house.

i seen him walking out the patio door and i went and gave him a hug.

"i'm sorry jack, i'm so sorry" i repeated

"it was wrong for me to react that way. i honestly don't know why i took it that seriously or why i scolded you about what you guys did" i paused just incase he had something to say.

"its okay"

"no its not jack, i know how much you like her and this is what we're doing this for. for me to help you and for you to help me" i said as he smiled at me.

"i was just mad, mad that she was still here" i said as he furrowed his eye brows.

"long story short i was here for about 15 minutes before she left" i said as he nodded.

"but anyway look can we just forget tonight? act like it never happened?" i pleaded as he nodded.

"yes and i'm sorry to about the whole it was pointless thing. it made it seem like i didn't care about you and i care about you so much jazzy. i love you okay?" he said giving me a hug.

"i love you" i responded.

sadly this feeling was gonna change, another word was to be added between it and it added a whole new meaning to our 'friendship'


i really want someone to catch on to that^^ lol

And i just looked through a whole bunch of errors in my stories i sound so illiterate

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