t w e n t y - o n e

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-remember when i said jazz and jack were juniors? yeah ok just make them seniors sorry lol carry on-


after what seemed like forever i stopped crying.

well forever was a day.

i snuck home after jack left, my parents couldn't see me like this.

and katherine would be suspicious.

i got ready for school and prepared for how i would speak to jack or if i would speak to him.

what ever comes around first.

i threw on the casual school outfit, jeans and plain white- t.

i got to school late that day and walked into first period with my head down.

"take a sit over there next to mr. maloley" mr. harris said as i nodded.

"hey" he said giving me a hug.

"hi nate" i said accepting the hug and sending him a weak smile.

"what's wrong?" he said sincerely as his hand was still on my shoulder.

"it's just something happened with me and jack yesterday i'm fine" i said as he shook his head.

"i knew he was bad news" he sighed.

"no its not that, he just hurt my feelings yesterday without knowing" he knew what he was doing yesterday, he knew it hurt me.

"well you're coming with me at lunch okay?" he paused as i smiled.

"we're gonna go someplace" he said as i smiled again.

"there's my pretty girl" he said as i laughed.

"okay class i have an announcement, as you know prom is in a few days sorry for such short notice on it we thought you guys knew thats why you always checks the school website. anyways, the ballot for king and queen starts today so vote! and also tickets go on sale at lunch" he paused as everyone cheered and whistled.

"but this is also sad, due to budget cuts in the school faculty we are moving graduation up a week so the week after prom is the week you graduate. the day all my kids become adults" he said fake crying as the class chuckled.

"alright now get out of my class the bell is gonna ring" he laughed.

holy fucking shit, i totally forgot about prom.

the hell am i gonna where?

wait if i even get asked



its now lunch time and i'm waiting for nate.

it took longer than it should but he got here

"sorry the teacher held me up" he said kissing my cheek.

my face turned red and i smiled.

"its fine" i said as he took my hand.

"c'mon , i told you we were getting out of here" he smirked as i chuckled.

i stood up and followed him out of school.

we walked to a nearby shopping center.

"pick where you wanna go" he said simply as i pointed to a chic- fil- a

i ordered chicken strips with fries and a medium drink and he had the same but a chicken sandwich.

"so what are your plans after we graduate?" i asked as we sat down.

"well, i'm really into music and i was going to a music arts school in hollywood" he said

"that's amazing i didn't know you were that passionate about music"

"i love it, i just wanna make music everyone will enjoy you know, so some people could know my name" he added smiling.

this was the best i've felt in a while.

"any girls you have your eye on for prom?" i asked raising my eyebrows chuckling.

"yeah actually" he said and my smile went down a bit.

"she's this girl i've been liking for a while, she's really pretty , beautiful actually" he paused.

"she's so sweet and humble and isn't afraid to be herself or speak her mind and is sitting infront of me" he added and my head shot up.

"huh?" i said as butterflies rose in my stomach.

i looked behind me to make sure he was really referring to me.

when i looked back he had a corsage in his hand and two tickets to prom.

"would you jazzy montez' go to prom with me?" he asked me.

he wasn't held up in class he was getting all of this for me.

it almost brought tears to my eyes.

"yes" i said as he stood up and came over next to me.

i stood up also to give him a hug.

"thank you so much" he said against my hair as he looked at me then slowly leaned in to kiss me.

i met him in the middle and kissed him back.

maybe things aren't so bad after all.

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