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"you got a lot of explaining to do" jj said pulling up.

"yeah i know" i said as i got im the car.

"you've been crying?" he said as he turned on the light in the car.

"what the fuck did he do?" he added as he gave me a hug.

"it's a long story"

"i've got time" he answered.

"i missed you so much" i said hugging him again.

he put the car in park and turned towards me.

"this is gonna sound really really stupid but-"

"just tell me"he laughed.

i rolled my eyes and began talking.

"two weeks ago now, jack and i said we were gonna help each other out with the people we liked"

"that doesn't sound weird" he shrugged.
"its getting there" i said shushing him.

"so he said he never really dated anyone that it was all lies so he asked me if i could help. so i said lets just have a fake date, but the night of the fake date he kind of asked if we could do more and i was like what do you mean? and he answered with like i need to learn how to kiss and stuff like that, and i'm like whats stuff like that so he basically said sexual things"

"woahh" he said shocked


"but anyway, i agreed. so we have did pretty intimate things. and have um" i paused not wanting to tell him.

"have what?" he asked.

"we've had sex"

"jazzy what the hell?"

"it was a spur of the moment type thing, well not for me for him" i said as all the events from tonight flooded my mind.

"but long story short, i fell in love with him. hard, and today i told him this and he rejected me" i sai as tears slipped from my eyes.

"he's not worth crying over" he said pulling me into a hug.

"he's an asshole"

"the worst part is, he made me think he liked me. i felt like there was a chance of him really feeling the same, jack. now there's a void in my heart he took when he told me he wasn't in love with me" i cried.

"i don't even want to see him, or go to graduation" i said against his chest.

"well it's a good thing, i brought your letter from michigan" he said as i leaned up to get the paper.

sniffling i opened the paper.

Michigan University

Hello! Michigan University is glad to say you have been accepted!

You will meet at the front desk July 17th where you will recieve your papers, your admission, classes, dorm number and the name of your roomate!

Please remember, this is a unisex campus.

Therefore, your roomie might be a boy!

Also, the showers will be in the same room as the opposite sex but will be sectioned off, for your security and protection.

Please follow the guidlines at Michigan.

We maintain very strict policies.

Obey the following:
No alcohol on campus
No fighting

Always make sure to make curfew

Speak to an administrator if there is a problem.

Maintain good grades.

A lack of proper GPA scores could and will get you unenrolled from this university.

We expect our students to stay above a 3.0

Have a good time a Michigan University

Go wolverines!

"I got in!" i yelled as jack smiled.

"well looks like we'll be attending the same university like we planned" he laughed

"hey do you think you could be my roomate?" i asked.

"i was gonna say the same thing" he laughed.

"we should just go up there early" i suggested.

"we have three days until its time to go" i added.

"i already have my stuff packed" he smirked.

"well its settled, tomorrow afternoon we're leaving" i smiled at him.

"shouldn't we go pick up your diploma and certificate of completion?" he asked.

fuck, this meant i'd have to go up to school tomorrow

"yeah, we can pick it up on the way"

i wasn't ready to face jack, i don't think i'll ever be. but right now all i wanna do is leave.

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