t w e n t y - t h r e e

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-thats exactly how her hair n stuff was and her make up-

it seemed like the week flew by because before i knew it, it was the might of prom.

i had just finished getting ready when my mom called me downstairs.

"sweetie come down!" she said.

i walked down the steps and awaiting me at the bottom was nate and my mom and dad.

i smiled as my mom took a picture.

"aw look at my baby, you look so grown up" she said as my dad just stood there.

"are you crying?" i asked my father

"yeah, now you're not my little girl any more" he said as i gave him a hug.

"hey, i'm not getting married so until then i'm all yours" i chuckled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"you look beautiful" nate said putting the corsage on my wrist.

"you look handsome" i smiled at him.

"hey" my dad called after us.

"have her back at 1:00 am sharp, i'll be waiting for you at the door" he said to nate.

nate laughed and replied.

"no problem sir"

little did he know my dad was so serious.

his dad let him use his mercedes' for the night.

he opened my door as i slid into the car.

he quickly got in and drove off to the hall the school was having it at.

"here we go" i said under my breath as we began walking towards the entrance my arm looped with his.

we have to check in with school staff just incase people from different schools or kids who are on the no prom list come.

"have fun and be safe" miss marge said as smiled.

it was pretty dark in there and the only source of light was the disco lights and the infamous disco ball.

i laughed as nate dragged me to the dance floor.

"what are you doing?" i said as he started to dance.

"ima go request a song" he laughed as i nodded and stayed where i was moving to the beat of the song do it again by pia mia (my fav song)

"hey" someone said tapping my shoulder.

i turned around to see jack smiling but something in his eyes changed when he seen me.

"you look...." he trailed

"amazing" he finished.

so did he. his hair was cut and he had light brown highlights.

"so do you" i smiled genuienly

the song changed to trufle butter by nicki minaj and nate came and gave me a hug from behind.

"wassup" he laughed doing a handshake with jack.

and almost right on que, scarlett came up.

"oh hey" she paused giving me a hug.

"you look decent" she said as i furrowed my eyebrows.

the fuck?

nate squeezed my sides signaling me to hold my tongue.

"well you look the same as usual" i smiled then rolled my eyes when she looked away.

"basic" i mumbled and turned away.

we went and took our pictures and he gladly paid for them.

"lets go get some food" i said to nate as we went to the buffet area.

we picked out fries, chips and dip and wings.

"i'm really having fun with you tonight" he said as i smiled.

"so am i" i yelled over the music.

i tried to have fun but it felt like all i was looking at was jack and scarlett.

i can't let jack controll my life, or my emotions but i don't know how to detatch from him.

he's like a leech and it sucks.

i can't right now.

"jazz?" nate said as i snapped my head towards him.

"oh sorry" i chuckled as he smiled at me.

"you know i knew the day when i asked you did you like jack, you we're lying. i just couldn't believe it" nate added.

"no its not like tha-
"it is jazzy its okay, you love him go get him. don't waste your time tryna make me happy" he smiled.

"its okay, i want you to"

"thank you" i said and got up and walked towards jack.

it was true.
i am completely and utterly in love with jack. and theres no denying it anymore.

i love everything about him, his smile, his laugh his everything. just him.

"can i talk to you?" i asked as he nodded.

i took him out into the hallway and began to tell him.

"okay jack there's no easy way to say this so i'm just gonna put it all out there and don't say anything until i'm finished " i paused.

"jack i love you. i'm in love with you. i don't know how but i am. i fell in love with you. i walked around denying it, trying to cover it up with nate but i love you. i love you so much. and i want us to be together. i just hope right now you feel the same way, i know this is all so sudden but please please jack just tell me you're as much in love with me as i am with you" i said in one breath.

his face looked blank and his eyes wondered away from mine looking everywhere but at me.

"jack?" scarlett said coming out.

"i'm sorry jazz, i'm not in love with you"

i watched him run over to her and kiss her before walking in.

this day, this day was the day i lost my bestfriend

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