t w e n t y - t w o

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-thats jazzy^^^-

jack has really been my only friend so i have no one to help me pick out a dress.

so i have to ask my mom, well i mean i don't mind because her taste in clothes is just like mine but i'd like to talk to her about everything but i know she won't react good.

i could call katherine.

"hey katherine, i know this is weird but i got asked to prom and i need some advice on dresses" i said to her

"oh not a problem i'd love to help you. i miss when my girls were all in highschool so why not" she laughed.

she offered to pick my up from school and i agreed.

i waited outside of school when jack came.

"hey" he cheered giving me a hug.

i stood there and tapped his back with my hand.

i wasn't in the mood to be put down by what he had to say about him and scarlett.

"what's up?" he said as i shook my head


"did you hear about prom?" he asked as i nodded

"yeah nate asked me" i said hoping that would bother him.


"thats great, i asked scarlett today and she said yes. i'm going with her today to look for a dress and a matching tux"

"thats cool" i said as his mom pulled up.

"well i gotta go" i said as he stopped me.

"with my mom?" he chuckled

"yeah, i have no one else to go with, nate's parents wanted to take him to get his hair cut and stuff" i said before getting in the car.

"hey kathy" i smiled as she gave me a small hug.

we drove in a comfortable silence to the first dress spot.

"katherine this is a wedding dress shop" i said as she nodded.

"i know they have custom dresses on the back and if you don't mind i would love to buy your dress" she offered.

"i can't thats so expsensive" i paused.

"i want to" she smiled.

"thank you".

we go out and walked in and looked around at various dresses.

i always wanted to wear a very nice dress.

"we've been looking for hours don't you think it's time to go to a new place?" katherine said.

"wait no" i said running over to a dress

"this one! i love it" i squealed.

"oh its beautiful" she said.

"go try it on"

i took me a few minutes to get the zipper but i did

i walked out slowly and she covered her mouth.

"you look stunning, absolutely gorgeous" she said.


we bought the dress.
it was 350 dollars plus the fee to add the designs

"thank you so much katherine" i said for the hundreth time.

"can i talk to you about something?" i asked as she nodded.

"me and jack might've um" i paused taking a deep breath.

"we had sex the other day and well about a week ago we started to do stuff with eachother to help us out with people we liked and i think i like jack but nate is taking me to prom and he's so sweet and i like him too" i rambled.

"honey, i already knew something was up the day i found you in the shower with him but i'm just glad you're telling me and i know you guys did it the right way. you're a responsible girl but sweetie it isn't based off who you like its who you love and i know i don't have any say in this but i don't think you really love nate. i see the way you look at jack, the way he looks at you. you guys were ment to be, but there's gonna be problems along the way. not everyone is gonna want you guys together, someones gonna want you while you have jack, and someones gonna want you while jack has you" she said.

"but it comes from the heart not the brain. don't go off what you think, its what you feel" she said before i got out the car.

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