Possible interest

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Daemon and Shiera both decided to tell their elder brother viserys who was recently made heir to the throne. Hoping he could further help their quest for Valyria.

The old king did not agree and further told shiera and daemon that if they acted upon it. They would no longer be princess and prince.

The love they once had for the old king was sooner lost. The old king would soon regret it. He died not long after.

Making viserys the king, Daemon and Shiera were both practically sent away to jobs and bidding for the king due to Otto speaking lies to his ears.

Those lies were his undoing, he made the king paranoid, telling him Shiera and Daemon would try and take his throne if he did not have an heir.

Neither of them ever sat the throne nor tried too. Though Otto was killed by one of them.

Shiera and Daemon were in their chambers talking to each other when they were given the news of their new duties to the realm

"Kostilus īlon could epagon viserys?" Shiera asked Daemon as he just watched her stand next to him before she continued. "Ziry might sagon tolī welcome naejot ziry" she spoke as Daemon caressed her hand. Perhaps we could ask viserys he might be more welcome to it?

Within a few moments viserys walked in with Otto by his side. Shiera moved closer to Daemon as she slowly let go of his hand.

"I wish to tell you both of new duties I'm giving you." Viserys said firmly.

"Which is?" Shiera replied curiously as Daemon and Otto glared at each other.

"Daemon you will now be commander of the city watch. Shiera well, you are now too keep dragonstone maintained as no one resides their as of now."

This left Daemon and Shiera shocked. "Sīr ao nūmazma naejot jikagon īlva qrīdrugahon? Sepãr raqagon ao va moriot emagon?" Shiera asked in high Valyrian, if she spoke it to viserys she was angry. So you mean to send us away? Just like you always have?

"No I need you both in those places" Viserys said looking at Otto before Daemon spoke up

"Do you mean to separate us?" Daemon asked curiously

"Well no, but I need a commander" Viserys said.

"Let it be Harwin strong" Daemon said before interrupting Otto, "let me and Shiera  stay at dragonstone." Daemon asked.

"That is not how this works" Otto said as Daemon stood up.

" you will listen to the king" Otto continued.

"No no, Otto, dragons should never be separated" Viserys said in thought.

He knew that Daemon and Shiera were not meant to be separated, they would sooner abandon their duties to be together.

"I will make a compromise" viserys said "I'll name Harwin commander" Shiera gave him a soft smile,
Otto was fuming.

Shiera noticed and looked at Daemon, "nyke pendagon zÿhon ears issi blowing hen ōrbar" she spoke with a smirk on her face. I think his ears are blowing out smoke.

Viserys gave her a look while Daemon chuckled. Otto knew she was making fun of him but could not say anything.

Shiera and Daemon walked in to see guards marching in at doors now that it would have royals staying inside.

Shiera noticed all the dust and dirt around it, immediately having it dusted and cleaned.

"I wonder why they never took care of this place" Shiera said as Daemon followed her as they looked around.

Daemon hummed while resting his hands upon the end of DarkSister.

" I do not know Issa jorrāelagon" he said as they entered their new chambers, it was much larger and had its own bookcases and desks and a fireplace, my love.

Shiera knew she wanted to change the room up, she wanted more red and black as it was just black and greys but she also preferred purple and blue hues.

Daemon didn't mind the darkness but happy wife happy life. He also didn't mind seeing her in purple as it showed off her curves of her body.

Within a few months shiera had made it her own. Viserys had visited and liked what she did with the place. Dragonstone was were shiera and Daemon resided until they got permission from the King.

It took them awhile to be able to convince the king but by the time Princess Rhaenyra was fourteen things were being built.
The narrow sea, 10 years later.

Shiera flew upon the cannibal towards Valyria to see how things had been going, Daemon was in kingslanding. Daemon was trying to become hand to take Otto off his pedestal.

Shiera was then shot up at with arrows by pirates, neighboring houses saw and alerted the king immediately.

Shiera was trying to get the cannibal to not burn them, if they were not supposed too. "Daor! Cannibal! Ao līs ōregon composure dohaeragon Issa!" She tried to steer the cannibal away but once she was almost shot by an arrow. No! Cannibal! You must have composure. Serve me!

She stopped and let him burn the ship. She knew Daemon would be angered to hear that she didn't burn them after they almost shot her with an arrow.

Daemon was very protective. Even more so when she's with child. They had 2 children during those ten years, with another one on the way.

They landed on Valyria after he burned them, Shiera watched the cannibal move his head down towards her nudging her, practically saying sorry.

It was something he did when he knew she did not like it.

Shiera saw a man approaching, it was one of the men, who took care of the dragons that resided there.

"Aōha dārōñe se Zaldrīzoti's issi mazverdãre sÿrī se issi olvie docile. Pōnta emagon addemmagon daor mind naejot se sombãzmiom being mazvēttan" he spoke in pride to Shiera. Your grace! The dragons are growing well and very docile, they have laid no mind to the castle being built.

"Nyke'm olvie kreni naejot rýbagon bona." She said with a soft smile. The castle would not be huge as shiera did not want to take the dragons home. She wanted to help protect them from those who might try and kill or take one for bad treachery. I am very pleased to hear that.
The red keep

Daemon sat in the council which they only spoke of the tourney, the only time he truly engaged was when Shiera was brought up.

"Congratulations, my prince" Daemon heard from Lord Corlys. "On Shiera being with child again" He continued with a smile.

"Thank you, Lord Corlys." Daemon nodded at him. As Rhaenyra the kings cupbearer, turned her head shocked her Aunt was with child again.

It was a shock to Rhaenyra for a woman to have so many children in the span of 10 years. Due to her mom only ever having Rhaenyra.

"When will Shiera return?" Otto asked. Daemon sat up holding his hands together on the council table.

"She should be here this evening, she is just checking on the dragons, and dragon keepers" Daemon simply spoke. He was excited for his wife to be back he missed her terribly.

Even though they had only been away from each other for a day.
A/n translating high Valyrian is hard work. Also Daemon Targaryen missing his wife era. 😍

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