10 years

555 12 1

Shiera had returned to kingslanding, every time the Princess Rhaenyra had gone into labor. Shiera was Rhaenyras sense of protection from the maesters.

Especially after what happened to her mother. She did not wish to die during childbirth. That was not what she desired.

Shiera stood infront of Alicent as the doors opened. Shiera looked in suprise at her niece. She should've been resting not walking up that height of steps.

Shiera turned to Alicent, thinking they had come to an agreement. "Get the princess a chair" Shiera ordered.

"Why are you here?" Shiera asked Rhaenyra with a gentle smile.

"The Queen wished to see the boy." Rhaenyra replied with a sigh.

"The princess should be resting with no worries of where her babe is" shiera said turning around titling her head slightly.

"She did not need to bring herself." Alicent replied almost in whisper. She did not wish to challenge shiera.

Shiera rose an eyebrow, while viserys cooed at baby Joffrey. Viserys blindness was good, not that he was actually blind he just paid no kind of the brown hair.

It was hard to challenge the birth of Rhaenyras sons as the princess Rhaenys had brown hair, with silver streaks, their grandmother.

Shiera had stayed in kingslanding for a few weeks while helping Rhaenyra, before returning to Valyria. In those 10 years shiera had a boy and a girl. Only before then did she only have Baelon.

Shiera had named her daughter, Daenerys. Daemon named the boy Maekar. Both beautiful and kind children.

Baelon took after his father, although he was protective of his mother and always checked on her.

sweet, sweet Maekar was more of a mamas boy than Baelon. Daenerys was a mix of both, one day she'll be with Daemon the next she's wanting to braid her mother's hair.

Everyone even Alicent thought it was adorable. Rhaenyra and Shieras children got along incredibly well, never once having hurt one another.

Shiera stood infront of the cannibal as Daemon returned from his flight. The cannibal made clicking sounds that almost sounded like a dinosaur as he turned his massive head to look at caraxes and Daemon.

The children watched from afar in amazement of their parents dragons. Daenerys had her small red dragon, on her shoulder. While baelons was too big for that just not big enough to ride. Maekar had yet to hatch a baby dragon. Shiera reminded him of the dragons that may, allow to form a bond.

He trusted his mother's words, he always did.

Shiera and Daemon had spent a lot of time, making allies and an army, they both knew a war was ahead and they wanted to be prepared.

They knew Otto wouldn't loose his seat as hand for very long on the council.

One thing Daemon and Shiera did that the king or the band couldn't do was make an ally with Dorne.

Baelon was promised to marry the lady Jenysa, the daughter of the current ruler of dorne.

The good thing was Baelon and Jenysa got along great.  Daemon and Shiera had agreed to let them get to know each other before making a decision. They did that with all of their children.

Shiera stood in a black and gold dress, reading a letter sent to her by the Princess Rhaenyra, The Princess had informed shiera that she would be taking her ancestry seat on dragonstone.

Daemon walked behind her wrapping his arms around her waist with a sigh. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before asking her. "What's that about?" He asked curiously moving his hand to dark sister setting it on its stand.

"Rhaenyra has given up on fighting alicent, she now resides at dragonstone." Shiera replied softly.

"I would just because I don't want to see her face" he said looking down at her with loving eyes.

Shiera giggled softly, "how was your day, my love?"
Moving to sit in a seat.

"The boys have the constant need to train  how to fight with a sword never stops" Daemon said with a grin.

Shiera smiled "good, they'll be great especially with you as their teacher" a tired tone in her voice.

Daemon chuckled, their boys were excellent fighters.
A/n sorry it's shorter than usual, I'm having a bit of writers block and with school started Wednesday I've been quite busy juggling work and school.

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