Carrie White prays for salvation to ease her pain and it is answered.
Richmond Atlas, a 17 year old boy who is the son of J. Daniel Atlas who is a Horseman.
Transfer student in Ewen High School in Chamberlain, Maine as 4th Year High School as his da...
It's been his fifth day in the school and meeting Carrie White and reunited with Tommy Ross whom he also introduced him to George Dawson who Richmond warmly met since George appears to be a good guy.
Mr. Ullman was slowly getting on his nerves of how he treated Carrie and not to mention he witnessed his subtle glance towards Tina Blake, which made Richmond suspicious between the two, as Richmond had seen that kind of looks between teacher and student before and he has to dig some information.
In English Class, Mr. Ullman is having a poem class as he called out Richmond.
Mr. Ullman: Richmond? You got a poem to read?
The students all turned to the illusionist who just stood up without saying a word.
He walked over while doing card flourishes.
Carrie watches Richmond doing many card flourishes reciting his poem.
Richmond: Come in close. Closer. Because the more you think you see, the easier it'll be to fool you. Because what is seeing? You're looking, but what you're really doing is filtering. Interpreting. Searching for meaning. My job? To take that most precious of gifts you give me: your attention, and use it against you.
He snaps his card from Jack to Two Red Hearts.
The students looked amazed at Richmond's poem while Tommy smirked knowing how charismatic Richmond said while showing his card flourishes.
Carrie was impressed about Richmond's poem like he didn't read it out just played with his cards.
Mr. Ullman: Okay, so not bad for a charismatic poem and you didn't write it instead you play with your cards in front of the class.
Richmond: Yep.
He returns to his seat as he and Tommy share a high five.
Though Carrie remembered after she returned home and had dinner with her mother during the night as usual her mother talked about her school she remembered the mere mention of a Horseman.
After she returned home and thankfully no closet for the meantime which was a miracle for Carrie at the moment of course and always pray that she would have a good day where no one would bully her.
As she talks about her school after being asked by her mother which she would rather avoid as much as possible while having dinner.
Carrie: W-we have a new classmate.
Margaret: Another sinner perhaps I won't be surprised.
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