Prom Night

283 2 8


June 22, 2013

6:40 PM

Richmond then stepped up to the front door of Rita's house, with a small box in his hands, his camera hanging from round his neck, his prom tickets, his mobile phone, car keys, card keys to his apartment, and his wallet all comfortably secure in the inside pockets of his smart jacket and his foot tapping nervously on the ground.

It was finally night of Ewen High's highly anticipated Junior/Senior Prom at long last, and he was waiting for Rita to let him into her house so that he could pick up Carrie and take her to the prom.

Eric is beside him for company of course he also wanted to experience prom night.

Richmond knocked on the front door three times and waited. After a moment, the front door opened to reveal Rita Desjardin wearing a sparkling dark navy-blue dress that hugged her curves very well. Her red hair, instead of usually being up in a ponytail in school, had been let down and curled for tonight, which really did help to bring out her beauty, and she was also wearing high heels which seemed to give her an extra inch or so in height.

Rita: Richmond, you're here! Eric you here too! Come in! Come in! Carrie is almost finished getting themselves ready upstairs, and I must say that you clean up quite well this evening.

She is happily, as Richmond and Eric stepped into the house and into the front hallway. And he did; wearing his smart suit and shoes, as well as having showered and looking clean he certainly did clean up well, and perfect for a night as important and exciting as prom night.

Eric: Ah thanks, Rita. You look quite nice this evening as well. Hoping to drop some jaws on the dance floor tonight?

Rita: Ha, ha, maybe.

She has a teasing way, and they had a laugh at that one.

Richmond: Are you feeling a little nervous about the prom?

Eric: Yes, to be honest, I am a bit, Rita.

Rita: Don't worry about a thing, Eric. After all, we're all going over there to have a good time tonight and celebrate the end of senior year.

Richmond: Okay, Rita.

Richmond is feeling somewhat reassured.

Rita: And Carrie's almost finished getting ready upstairs so you may wanna take a breath when you see her.

Eric: Is she coming down?

Rita: And she also had her hair done up at the same hair salon in the mall we went to earlier on today.

Then a sound coming from the top of the stairs silenced everyone, as they all turned their heads and looked upstairs. Turning his head and seeing the sight, Richmond's eyes widened a little when he saw his prom date appear.

Wearing a light pink dress that she had made herself with a matching flower on the right shoulder, Carrie looked like she was an angel sent down from heaven, particularly with the way that her strawberry blonde hair was framing her face and how her emerald eyes shone brightly. Richmond made sure to burn this image firmly into his mind as he wanted to remember it forever.

Going over to her as she stepped off the last step, Richmond gently took her hand in his and stared into her bright emerald eyes.

Richmond: Wow, Carrie you look absolutely incredible this evening.

Blushing a little, Carrie smiled back shyly while looking into Richmond's eyes.

Carrie: Thank you, and you look really handsome too.

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