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Summit Entertainment

A Lionsgate Company

In New York, we see the crowd cheering for the Horsemen's third act.

Thaddeus: People see the Horsemen as noble Robin Hoods.

J. Daniel Atlas, Merritt McKinney and Jack Wilder saw the raining money that they robbed a bank from Paris.

Jack threw a sledgehammer at the big mirror glass, then the fake money burning in the safe.

Thaddeus: But I believe their first act is just the set up...

Daniel, Merritt and Henley Reeves waved at their fans before they ran and jumped off the rooftop turning into showering money.

Thaddeus: For an even bigger reveal.

Purple Haze by Jimmy Hendrix starts playing.

Daniel, Merritt reappeared in the Octa Presentation with Richmond Atlas, Carrie White, Spikey McKinney and Herb Wilder.

The crowd cheered at the Illusionists' reappearance.

Merritt: It's great to be back.

Next Chapter

The camera focuses on the Sands Hotel in Macau.

Next we see Dylan Rhodes and Eric Rhodes observing the presentation.

Jack threw the cards at the sheet of t-shirt revealing three large playing cards.

They're Back

Richmond, Carrie, Spikey and Herb walk out of the casino in their disguises.

Arthur: So nice to see you all again.

The Horsemen teens are running on the rooftop.

For Their Second Act

Richmond, Carrie, Spikey and Herb turned around after the elevator doors opened.

Daniel, Richmond and Carrie put in their hoods and spread their arms and fists closed

Thaddeus: If you think you've seen it at all...

Daniel, Richmond and Carrie put in their hoods and spread their arms and fists closed.

Thaddeus: Take another look.

The three raised their arms to stop the rain and control it.

Spikey pulls the card into his clothes.

Richmond: Picture the audience naked.

Dylan blew a torch at the thugs.

Eric releases the doves from his jacket.

A thug tries to tackle Dylan only to smash into an invisible glass window.

Jack and Herb flicked the cards in the air, creating a hail of cards vanishing them.

Spikey threw the card while pretending to tie his lace.

Jack and Herb slide down from their motorcycles.

Herb sliding down the pipe with strobes.

Fireworks are displayed in the sky during the New Year's Eve as the Horsemen celebrate.

Daniel, Richmond and Carrie fall back down as they vanish from their raincoats.

Now You See Me 2

Walter: So happy to be working with you.

He threw a card and missed the catch.

The teens looked at him as he turned around.

Walter: Ah. (Puts the card back in his pocket) Ta Da!

Coming Soon

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