Ewen High School
After a half-day class Richmond, Rita and Carrie walked out of the school walking towards his car.
The three got inside and Richmond drove them back to the apartment.
They arrived at the apartment.As they pulled into the parking lot outside the apartment complex and stopped, Rita turned to the two sitting behind her just before they stepped out of the car.
They saw Dylan leaning on his FBI issued car expecting them.
Rita: Dylan. What are you doing here?
Dylan: I came to tell Carrie what happened to her mother.
Carrie: Who is this?
Dylan: I'm Dylan Rhodes Richmond's uncle.
Carrie: Are you one of the uncles Richmond mentioned?
Dylan: Yes he told me about you.
Richmond: Anyways why you're here?
Dylan: Carrie the police may need to speak to you later on today about what happened over at your house last night. So, it's very likely that they'll need to speak with you.
Carrie: Okay, Mr Rhodes.
Rita: And Richmond if the police do need to speak to Carrie, I'll call you beforehand and let you know that we'll be on the way here. Rita said.
After a moment, Richmond nodded.
Richmond: I understand, Rita.
Rita: Okay, you two. Have a nice afternoon together, and I'll see you when I see you.
Rita said, as Jack and Carrie got out of the car, took their bags out from the trunk and then they went into the apartment building. They stepped into one of the elevators and, as the doors closed and they felt themselves going on, Carrie turned to Richmond.
Carrie: What should we do when we get into the apartment?
Richmond Well, I have to do one job...iron all my laundry from yesterday. It shouldn't take very long though, as there's not much to do.
Then the elevator stopped on the sixth floor, the doors opened, and Carrie and Richmond stepped out and headed on down the corridor.
Carrie: And what shall we do about getting dinner this evening?
Richmond: Well, my Horsemen family are arriving in this apartment in like hours away.
Carrie: I really wanna meet them. I met your dad, then your uncle recently now I wanna meet your other uncles and cousins. Yes, that sounds like a good idea to me. Let's do that. But let me think about what I'd like to do.
Carrie: Are you finished?
She looked up from her magazine.
Richmond: Yes, it took me a little bit longer than I thought but I've finished.
Richmond sat in one of the chairs beside Carrie.
Dylan: Thanks for not telling Ms Desjardin about my telekinetic powers.
Richmond: Oh, it's no problem. After all, if you want to tell her or even show her, then it's your business.
Carrie nodded while giving a small smile.
Then Richmond's phone rang. Seeing it was Rita's number he answered it, noting the time he saw on the touchscreen at 2:05 PM.
Richmond:Hello Rita.. yes, we're both still here. Hang on, are you sure? How soon will you be here?

Now You See Me Carrie
Misterio / SuspensoCarrie White prays for salvation to ease her pain and it is answered. Richmond Atlas, a 17 year old boy who is the son of J. Daniel Atlas who is a Horseman. Transfer student in Ewen High School in Chamberlain, Maine as 4th Year High School as his da...