Unexpected Evening

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Richmond stood by one of the windows of his apartment, his camera in hand and eye in the viewfinder, taking photos of the storm that was raging away outside.

Every time that a brilliant white lightning flash was seen in the distance on the horizon, he quickly snapped a picture of it.

Then he lowered the camera and checked to see the photos he'd so far taken of the storm; there were more than 30.

Some of them were a little bit on the blurry side, but the rest showed lightning bolts in the sky in images that were crisp, clean, and razor sharp, perfect to send back home via email later on.

Mixed in with the sounds of the thunder rumbling loudly was the sound of very heavy rain lashing down upon the windows.

This storm system was just enormous, and bigger than any storm Richmond had ever seen before, with its black dense clouds stretching through the sky as far as the eye could see.

In fact, it was so large that the setting sun, which could normally be seen off to the west at this time of day, was completely blocked out - bringing in an early night - and all the street lights in sight were switched on.

After a few moments of watching what was going on outside, Richmond stepped away from the window and went back over to the kitchen area, where he peeked into the oven. His homemade pizza had been put in only a few minutes before and would be ready to eat in about half an hour.

After a day in school, Richmond had returned to his apartment where he had a long cold shower, put on some fresh clothes, and put the ones he'd on earlier into the washing machine before he started on his homework.

By the time he was finished, the clothes had finished in the washing machine and he loaded them into the tumble drier. With that little job done, he set about preparing dinner. Now there was nothing much to do until dinner was finished cooking.

He decided to do some card throwing that her learned from Richmond.

Then he heard a sound and looked out the window over the kitchen sink; the rain was starting to come down. In less than a minute, it was coming down very heavily, easily heavier than the heaviest rain he'd ever seen back at home, and the water droplets that were soon running down the glass window quickly distorted his view outside.

Richmond: I'm really sure glad that I'm not out there in that right now.

Richmond looked outside before he turned away from the window again, while rubbing his hands together.

After a moment, there came three knocks at the door. He stopped and paused for a moment, unsure if he'd heard it or not. Then a short moment later, there came another three knocks.

Richmond: I wonder who that could be at this time.

Richmond looked at the clock, it was 6:05 PM.

He wasn't expecting visitors at this hour, but went over to the door and looked through the peephole.

To his surprise, he saw Carrie standing outside, a suitcase by her side and a backpack on her back.

On her face, much to Richmond's consternation, was a look of fear and worry. Quickly, Richmond opened the door.

Richmond: Carrie? What's going on? What happened?

Richmond became concerned as soon as Carrie came inside. Once he closed the door, she threw her arms round his waist and buried her face in his chest.

Richmond: Are you feeling all right?!

He looked over Carrie to see if there were any injuries on her. There was no obvious injury that he could see, but scenarios of things that could've happened to her flashed through Richmond's worried mind.

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