Meeting with Atlas

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The next day

After he gives a warning to the Watson twins which would hit home as he leaves them to rethink their actions.

Richmond drove towards the White's house wanting Carrie to meet his father.

Carrie told him when her mother would go and when she would return though she warned him about her mother sometimes returning early which made her schedule unpredictable.

After arriving at her house, Richmond checks the time in his phone making sure it is right and Carrie's mother is long gone with it he goes there and knocks on the door.

The door opened revealed to be Carrie she was surprised to see him knocking on her door, after they became a couple Richmond had offered to escort her home which she finds it sweet and agreed as long as not to near where her mother could see them which she would kill her if she found out she had a boyfriend.

Carrie: R-Richmond why did you come?

Richmond: (Smiles) I wanted to see my beautiful and cute girlfriend.

Richmond kissed her in the lips Carrie blushed at that as she kissed him back in his lips.

Richmond: The reason why I'm here? My dad is having dinner tomorrow and he wanted to meet you Carrie.

Carrie: Me?

Richmond: Yes, my dad wanted to see you.

Carrie: Me?

Richmond: Yes, he wants to see you, my family already approved of you.

Carrie: But why? I know you said they approve me but still why does he want to meet with me?

Richmond: To know more about you of course Carrie. I know you have a tight schedule and me and dad already made a compromise about it, so you don't have to leave your home that long and not to mention I had Uncle Dylan to look out for your mother in case she returns back early.

Carrie was thoughtful for that on one hand she can spend time with her boyfriend and meet his dad and try to know him or stay home which she has nothing to do.

Still Richmond did say he would send his uncle to look out for her mother in case she returns home.

Carrie made her decision as she nods with a smile.

Carrie: Okay Rich I'll come tomorrow, mother will return tomorrow by 6 PM and leave by 7:30 in the morning.

Richmond: Alright then I'll pick you up in 7:45 try to wear at your best as sling at your best as long as you are comfortable with said clothes I won't judge you.

He knew Carrie wearing old fashioned clothes he won't judge her since she has limited clothes that some of them are made by her which he was impressed when she mentioned it when she was wearing in school.

Richmond: Don't worry about it, I specifically choose this diner where it is good and the closest to your home just 10 miles away.

Carrie: I'll be waiting Richmond tomorrow.

The two embrace each other before leaving her house and make plans of what she would wear tomorrow.


Next day

May 21, 2013

8:15 A.M

Richmond picks up Carrie from her house and drives her to a diner, Carrie wears a brown sleeveless dress while made Richmond a little bit surprised before complimenting her from asking if her looks are ok.

While Richmond is wearing a white shirt, black jacket, black pants and red Converse shoes.

From even looking at a small view inside her house Richmond felt something chill in his spine which he ignored but it's still there, he does not know why but wants to know what's inside to see a clear view of it before he makes his full opinion to Carrie, as looking at inside he could tell it's some old fashion inside but how old he doesn't know.

Right now he is driving towards the diner, as they arrive there he and Carrie get out of the car before moving to the diner.

When they finally got inside, there were not many people which at least good for Richmond as it was more private there he saw his father sitting in the certain spot.

He waved at his father who threw a card at him then caught it with his hand.

As they get closer the two sit down and Carrie sees Daniel's face.

Carrie: (Thought) His dad looks young like six years.

Daniel: Hello there, you must be Carrie. I'm J. Daniel Atlas, Richmond's dad.

Carrie: Nice to meet you sir.

A waiter came to them as they order their food and with it they'll wait and have a talk.

Daniel: So how did you two first meet?

Carrie: Well he found me sitting alone.

Daniel: Lonely? Why?

Carrie tenses at that as Richmond grab her hand and squeezes it.

Daniel: I know that look before girl, no questions asked.

He changed the topic.

Daniel: So how does my son treat you? Nothing of annoyance I hope.

Carrie had a fond smile on that forgetting about that topic and it's a fresh air for her.

Carrie: He's funny, gentle, cool kind and protective sir. There is nothing more I could describe him as he treated me like a human and that is all what matters to me.

Daniel: (Smiles) Still what's your hobby?

Carrie: (Nods) Yes sir I like to sew, I sew this dress myself, my mother never buys me clothes so she teaches me how to sew it and all my clothes all sewed either by my mother or myself.

Daniel: Carrie, maybe one day you might make us one.

Carrie: (Blushes) I would love to sir.

Daniel: Just call me Danny.

Carrie: Okay Danny it is.

With the three continuing to talk as their orders arrived they had stayed for 30 minutes.

Daniel: Well Carrie I would be happy to see you more when we meet again.

Richmond: No worries.

Daniel chuckled as he walked out, he vanished among the crowd.

Richmond: So Carrie, wanna go to the mall?

Carrie: Okay.

She accepts his hand.


Abandoned warehouse

Merritt and Jack are talking about Carrie's horrible life.

Merritt: So this Carrie White girl has been bullied by the whole class since 1st grade.

Jack: Not to mention being abused by her mother when she goes home.

Merritt: This is what Spikey told me about after our call with Rich.

Jack: Yep that Chris Hargensen had her dirty laundry swept under the rug thanks to her dirty lawyer of a father.

Merritt: So Dylan might need a plan to expose her.

Jack: I heard the prom will be a month away so if we tell him about Chris' dirty laundry we would expose her publicly.

Merritt: Yeah we tell Dylan about the plan.

The two agreed to tell Dylan about the dirty laundry of Chris.

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