Carrie White prays for salvation to ease her pain and it is answered.
Richmond Atlas, a 17 year old boy who is the son of J. Daniel Atlas who is a Horseman.
Transfer student in Ewen High School in Chamberlain, Maine as 4th Year High School as his da...
After driving for about five minutes, they were nearing the school and were in conversation with each other when they suddenly heard an engine, a very loud one, coming down the street towards them.
Then, as they came to a slightly anxious stop, they saw a red and black muscle car pull over and park at the side of the road near to them. A young man with short buzzed hair exited the car on the driver's side. He was wearing a weathered brown leather jacket, black trousers, and dark boots.
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It was Billy Nolan, the boyfriend of Chris Hargensen and the local "tough guy" who had a reputation of doing whatever he wanted to do in town regardless of who he hurt. He was followed by two other boys who had just stepped out of the car, one with curly blonde hair and the other with dark brown hair. They were Jackie Talbot, the boyfriend of Tina Blake, and Kenny Garson respectively and they both attended Ewen High School.
Richmond: Freddy, do you still have your camera with you?
As he turned his head to his left and looked at Freddy. Without wasting a second, Freddy reached into his bag and pulled out his camera, while looking at Richmond and giving a nod.
Richmond: Good...better start recording this. I've got a feeling we may need the footage.
He started off toward the trio.
Carrie: Richmond please don't do that. They could hurt you.
Carrie pleaded desperately, as she tried to hold him back.
Richmond: Carrie, it's okay. I'll be fine. Remember I dealt with bullies that tripped you I have magic, so I know what to do to defend myself.
Richmond gently reassured her. Freddy turned on his camera and brought it up and began recording, as Richmond began walking towards the trio.
As he got closer, he noticed the three didn't appear to be armed with weapons but he was determined to stay alert so he could react to what way things might go in case they were armed. He stopped about a hundred feet from them and waited for them to make their move.
Billy stepped forwards first and examined him up and down before he spoke.
Billy: So, you're Richmond Atlas? I heard about you and what you've been doing around here. I'm not too impressed. I was expecting to see someone a little bit taller.
Billy said with a slight sneer as the other two boys behind him laughed quietly.
However, Richmond wasn't too amused by that.
The students start noticing the scene and they pull out their phones.
Richmond: Oh really? Height jokes are the best you can do? You've even less creativity than a YouTube comment.
Billy: Funny you say. I want to fight you as revenge for exposing my girlfriend and her friends information and you're gonna get what is coming.
He gestured to his friends standing behind him. Then he looked to the others standing beyond Richmond, all of whom were watching nervously.