The Black Garnet

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This is Season 1, Episode 10!

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Okay, I- what is going on here?" Catra asks me.

I shrug. With Entrapta, no one knows what's going on. Currently, she's climbing back out of the vents.

"Catra! You got my note," Entrapta states.

"The one you dropped on my head from the air vent that says, 'Come to my lab'?"

"Yes, that's the one. I've made great strides in analyzing the data from the First Ones date crystal you brought me... Look!"

Entrapta runs over to her table, dodging all sorts of things she's collected.

"Where did all of this come from?"

"Oh, you know. Here and there... rooms..."

"Were there people in these rooms?"

"Well, not when I went back to take the stuff."

Catra looks over at me, bewildered. I shake my head. Entrapta's been gone all night and day finding these things. Handing them down to me and telling me where to put them. I just do as Entrapta says. Catra chuckles.

"You belong here with us."

"...So! The data!"

Entrapta squeals with excitement. She fits the crystal into a slot, making the machines whir to life. Scorpia, who entered after Catra, laughs.

"Wow! Whoa."

Scorpia starts scribbling whatever on a notepad. I stand and try to get a closer look. I watched her build it, but I didn't know what it did.

"Look at these readings. It's incredible, this seems to confirm my theories about the techno-organic nature of First Ones machinery, resulting in thaumaturgical compatibility between magic and science!"

"I'm going to need you to try again, but this time, talk like a normal person."

"Scorpia seems like she understands."

Catra and I look over our shoulders at Scorpia's scribbling. Se just continues to scribble as we look at her.

"Scorpia is drawing stick figures holding hands," Catra states, face-palming.

"I call it 'Super Pal Quartet'! This is me, this is Catra, and I think it's clear, come on. I mean, I'm a bit of an artist," Scorpia claims.

"I looked at the rock, which is a crystal, and used math... wait, do I have to explain math to you?" Entrapta explains.

"Yes or no, did the crystal give you enough data to upgrade our weapons?" Catra questions.

"Weapons? HA! This is so much bigger than weapons. This could change everything. Etheria's not just a planet. Whatever the First Ones did to it, it went deep."

"And what does that mean?"

"You're asking me about my theories? I've waited years for someone to ask me about my theories! Hang on, I made a model!" Entrapta squeals, pulling the three of us behind her. "Behold! Etheria. The First Ones didn't just settle on the surface of Etheria, their technology runs throughout the planet's core. This whole planet it's- it's all First Ones tech."

"And what are these supposed to be?" I ask, pointing at a light on her model.

"Runestones. From the data I've managed to extract, they regulate the planet through the princesses. They're directly connected and to the planet's power grid in a delicate balance," Entrapta explains.

The Crowned Princess Of Brightmoon (Catra x (Y/n))Where stories live. Discover now