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This is Season 1, Episode 5. This is the first chapter where the POV changes at some point.

Again, we're sitting in the Council room. Spinerella, Netossa, the General, Glimmer, Adora, Bow, and I are sitting around the table.

"Council, we're looking for plans to strengthen our defenses against the Horde. Who would like to go first?" Mother asks.

Glimmer raises her hand.

"Me, me, me. Me. Me, me."

Mother sighs. Glimmer's energy isn't unwelcome, but it's early in the morning.

"Who, besides Glimmer, would like to go first?" Mother asks again.

Glimmer stands up. Here we go...

"Mom- Your Majesty. You should let me, Bow, Adora, and (Y/n) continue our princess recruitment mission. If we can form a new Princess Alliance, the Rebellion would actually stand a chance for once," Glimmer reasons.

"Your Majesty," I start, " I agree with Glimmer. We would be stronger with numbers."

"The princesses withdrew from the last alliance. They chose to focus on protecting their own lands," Mother states.

"So, are we supposed to just... give up? Please, let me try. All I'm proposing is a diplomatic mission."

Mother resigns before continuing, "So, what do you propose?"

I start the holographic map. I zoom in on Brightmoon. Glimmer thanks me with a small nod.

"Anyone approaching Brigtmoon by sea needs to pass through te Salineas Sea Gate. It's controlled by Mermista, now that her father's retired. Wit her on our side, te Rebellion could control the seas. We NEED this alliance with her, Mom," Glimmer reasons.

Arrows appeared on the map as Glimmer talks, to illustrate her point. Once she finishes, the map vanishes.

"The journey is treacherous, though. I would love the Salineas alliance, but it's dangerous," I chime in.

"I agree, (Y/n). I'm not sure," Mother claims.

"Don't worry, Mom. With She-Ra, we can conquer anything."

"And, uh, we're gonna need a boat," Adora tells Glimmer.

"With She-Ra and a boat, we can conquer anything," Glimmer corrects.

"And an experienced sea captain," I whisper.

Glimmer glares at me and groans.

"Withh She-Ra, a boat, and an experienced sea captain, we can conquer anything," Gglimmer corrects, again.

"Very well," Mother resigns.

Glimmer gasps and celebrates. She teleports to kiss Mother and give her a hug.

"I mean it, GGlimmer. No violence, and no collateral damage," Mother directs.

Glimmer teleports between her friends, throwing her hands over them before reassuring Mother that she won't regret sending us out. Mother sighs.

*Time Skip*

I follow behind the trio into a bar of some sort. I've never liked Seaworthy. It's a place for pirates to hang out and celebrate their plights. Glimmer walks up to te bar after the trio whisper to each other.

"Excuse me," Glimmer says.

She chuckles and oohs at a muscular lady.

"Er, we're looking for a sea captain to take us to Salineas."

The Crowned Princess Of Brightmoon (Catra x (Y/n))Where stories live. Discover now