The Valley Of The Lost

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This is Season 4, Episode 2! Brought to you by Double Trouble as Scorpia!

I sigh, taking a moment to relax before I make my first big decision as queen. It's a peaceful morning in Brightmoon and I'd do anything for it to stay calm forever. However, I have invited the trio and Huntara to the War Room to talk about something important. I burst through the doors, scaring some people. I bring Perfuma in with me.

"As part of my new anti-Horde strategy, I'm sending you," I state, pointing at Perfuma, "Adora, Bow, Glimmer, and Huntara on a mission to retrieve Mara's ship from the Crimson Waste. Then, Bow will repair it and then we'll have a spaceship!"

"The Cr- Crimson Waste?" Perfuma whimpers.

"That's the one! As my first act as queen, I'm sending you all on the mission while I..." I trail off, holding back a groan, "stay back and do important queen duties."

"Hey! Leave it all to us! It'll probably be a boring mission anyway," Adora tries to cheer me up.

"Queen (Y/n), you are extremely late for your next meeting," General Juliet declares, urgent.

I sigh and follow my general out of the War Room.

*Small Time Skip*

I manage to slip away for a moment, to check on the trio.

"How's the mission? Got the ship yet?" I ask, excited to know something.

Bow chuckles and Adora's saying something in the background that I can't quite hear.

"Well..." Bow trails off. "There's a small problem..."

I see Adora doing something in the background, exaggerating her movements.

"What's Adora doing?" I question, worried about her.

"Dancing! Because uh... the mission is going just so great!" Bow assures, putting up some thumbs up from him and Glimmer. "But we... um... have to go do more mission stuff now! Talk later!"

Bow waves, signaling the end of the conversation.

"Wait, don't-" I get cut off by Bow ending the call.

I groan, upset that I didn't get a real update, just a bunch of positivity.

*Small Time Skip*

I call Bow, wanting an update. He picks up and sounds almost frantic.

"Ugh! I'm in the middle of the most boring meeting," I claim.

"Can't talk! We're being chased through a smuggler's den right now!" Bow whispers.

"You are? That sounds so fun!" I exclaim.

"I'm gonna have to call you back," Bow rushes.

"Wait, don't hang u-" I get cut off by the communication pad turning back off.

I huff and put my head down on the table as the meeting continues.

*Small Time Skip* (Sorry about all the time skips, this episode was all about being in the Crimson Waste, unfortunately)

I'm finally able to have alone time. I go to my room and start writing. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this and I need to write my feelings down or I'm going to explode. I leave the note on my bed and climb out the window. I can't be an amazing queen. But Glimmer's going to be an amazing queen, I know it.

The Crowned Princess Of Brightmoon (Catra x (Y/n))Where stories live. Discover now