The Frozen Forest

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This is Season 2, Episode 1! Let me start this chapter by saying that, I love Kyle. Don't take (Y/n)'s dislike for him as me disliking him.

(Y/n)'s POV:

Hordak instructed Catra to have me join her cadets in training. I think it's a bad idea to put me with others my age who have been doing this longer than I've had my powers. But here I am, getting my butt kicked by a bunch of eighteen-year-olds. Rogelio's twice my size, Lonnie is faster than me, and Kyle has more training than me. We started the training session with hand-to-hand combat and I lost, to Kyle. 

Now, we're fighting bots. I'd be good at fighting them if I wasn't slower than everyone. However, I'm still doing better than Kyle. He's panicking and on the floor, as a bot fires at him repeatedly. I take the bot out and help him up.

"You're helping me?" he asks.

"Yeah. Don't think much about it," I state, hurrying over to Lonnie and Rogelio to fight the bigger bot.

I didn't see Kyle much after that because he got tagged out. The only good thing about Rogelio's size is he's seen first, so he gets taken out faster. After a few more hits, Lonnie and I are the last ones standing, no bots, no other people, just us.

"You two can fight each other. (Y/n), since you have less training, use your powers. Lonnie, treat her like a bot," Catra calls into the room.

I glance at Lonnie and run. She can't hit me if she can't catch me. Luckily, I got a good head start and was able to hide. She walks into my field of vision, I grab her ankle and pull her down, trying to pin her to the ground. It's more like a catfight. However, I managed to keep her pinned down.

"Okay. Stop. (Y/n), congrats on your first win, even if you fought dirty," Catra states, pulling me off of Lonnie.

"You told me I could. It's not playing dirty if it's by the rules."

"Alright, huddle around," Catra demands. "Who can tell me what Kyle did wrong?"

"Where do you start?" Lonnie asks.

"He panicked. You can't panic when fighting. I panicked once and Catra threw me into the ocean," I state, crossing my arms.

"She-Ra is too strong to defeat with force alone. She's slow and easily manipulated," Catra states, leaving to restart the simulation.

The bots power back up.

"Not again," Kyle whispers.

Catra outmaneuvers the bot, landing on its head and ripping out the central processor. It's nearly effortless. She tosses the destroyed component to the floor at our feet.

"Fix this. Then go again. (Y/n), with me," Catra states, smirking as Lonnie groans.

We leave the training area and walk down the hallways. We enter Enrapta and my "holding cell". It's completely transformed. 

"Huh?" Catra whispers. "What is all this junk?"

"Isn't is wonderful?" Entrapta asks, turning to us.

"Is it the stuff from your castle?" I ask, recognizing some of the machines.

Catra startles and lets out a small shriek, bumping into me. I look down to see a 'rodent' robot scurry at our feet.

"Yeah. Wonderful. What's the report from the Woods?" Catra asks.

"Oh! I just received a transmission from one of my bots," Entrapta claims.

She and Scorpia have settled on a couch in front of a big screen, a tray of food in between them. The screen shows bots being destroyed by the princesses in the Whispering Woods. They offer comments while we watch.

The Crowned Princess Of Brightmoon (Catra x (Y/n))Where stories live. Discover now