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Morgan walks around the studio and scratches his head thinking of song lyrics.

"I can't think! Shit!" He shouts.

"Just take a walk, you've got writers block" Micheal suggests.

"Fine" Morgan agrees and walks out the door.

The cold air hits his skin making him shiver as he walks. As he passes the coffee shop he decides to stop and grab something to eat. To his surprise there stood Scarlett.

"You've gotta be shitting me" She says looking at him.

"Your everywhere I swear" Morgan replies as he grabs his coffee.

"You too, I can't get rid of you" Scarlett spoke quietly.

"How's big machine goin?" Morgan asks.

"Just fired me, I'm trying to find a new job so I don't have to go back to sneedville" She replies.

"Huh? They fired you? I heard your the best in the business" Morgan replies.

"Not anymore I guess, I'll cya around" She spoke walking out the door.

Morgan makes his way back into big loud and sits next to Micheal immediately starting to write.

"And I wonder when your drinkin if you find yourself thinking about that boy from East Tennessee, and I know we both knew better but we still said forever and that was 7 summers ago"

"I see you cured your writers block" Micheal jokes.

"I sure did, saw scar it's about her" Morgan spoke as he continued to write.

"Risky move, the second she hears that she's gonna know"

"I don't care, she's over me anyways" Morgan hung his head low as he wrote a million memories flood his head.


"Race ya!" Scarlett yelled as she ran toward the lake's entrance. Morgan ran behind her and grabbed around her waist. "Gotcha!" Morgan spoke softly as she attempted to escape his grasp. "Not fair! Ya can't just hold onto me!" Scarlett playfully shouted as she wiggled around in his arms. "Not gonna work, I'm stronger than ya darlin" Morgan spoke holding onto her tight around her middle. "Don't call me darlin" Scarlett snapped playfully. "Darlin, darlin, darlin" Morgan joked and Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Your an ass" Scarlett joked thumping him on the temple. "Ouch!" Morgan yelped rubbing his temple as she ran to the water. "Haha! Beat ya wallen!" Scarlett joked as she swam in the frigid water. "Cold there scar?" He jokes watching her shiver. "Yes, very" she replies. "Then get your butt out here" Morgan jokes grabbing her hand and helping her out of the water. Her hair sticking to her face as she runs to his truck. "Where ya goin?" He shouts. "To your truck dumbass!" She jokingly shouted back.


Scarlett is looking for jobs anywhere but big loud. She knows working with Morgan will be a challenge so it is her last option. "I can't believe they let me go" Scarlett spoke as she searched for job opportunities.

"Me either, you were the best tour planner there was" Harley replies.

"Thanks Harley, my only option is big loud and Y'know who is there..." Scarlett spoke hesitantly clicking the website.

"It might be good for you, maybe y'all can make up" Harley suggests Scarlett gives her the eye.

"Harley he left, when I needed him no one who cares would do that..." Scarlett replies.

"Whatever just take the damn job" Harley joked.

"Fine" Scarlett reluctantly hit the call button.

"Hey this is Scarlett hanson from big machine, I'm just looking for a open job can I come do an interview?"

7 summers :Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now