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After 96 long days they finally brought Madison home. Scarlett was completely exhausted and Morgan wasn't home.

She sits on the couch with Madison who had been crying for the past hour over god knows what.
Morgan pulls in and walks in the door, Scarlett was trying to rock her to sleep but it wasn't working.

"Everything okay?" He asks sitting next to her. "She hates me Morgan, everything I do she just cries, I've tried everything" She mutters.

"Let me hold her and see if she calms down" He suggests grabbing her from Scarlett. Almost immediately she stops crying and falls asleep.

"Your shitting me..." She mutters, Morgan shrugs his shoulders. "She hates me, just look at her" She mumbles slumping back down on the couch.

"She doesn't hate you honey, she just missed me a little" He assures. "I think you need a break mama, maybe my mom can watch her for a bit so we can relax" He suggests.

"You think she would?" She asks. "I'm positive"

"Don't rush! I'll keep her for a whole year if you want!" Lesli shouts. "It's just 2 days mama, I don't think a year would be logical" He replies.

"Thank you Lesli, I really appreciate this" She says. "Don't worry about it hun, you go and have a great night" She says. Scarlett smiles thankfully hopping into Morgan's truck.

"So what're we gonna do?" He asks. "Nap, sleep in, and maybe even take a shower!" She excitedly exclaims.
"Are you that deprived?" He asks jokingly.

"Yes" She replies as they pull into their driveway. Scarlett grabs a towel and heads towards the shower.
"Mind if I join you?" Morgan asks. "Fine" she mutters as he follows behind her.

The hot water hits her and she takes a breath. "I haven't had an uninterrupted shower in a month" She mumbles.
"Seems like it, you moaned louder than I've ever heard" He teases.

"Can you not?" She snaps. "Sorry" He murmurs. "Wash my back" She demands. "What do I look like a maid?" He teases. "Just do it" She whines.

After stepping out of the shower she threw herself on the bed and Morgan sat beside of her with his guitar.
"So.. I had something to wanted to tell you" He mumbles.

"What?" She asks nervously. "They offered me another tour, it's huge and would set up our little girl for life" He explains. "And how long is it?" She asks.

"Like 18 months" he replies. "18 months! That's the most important years of Madison's life! You can't just leave!" She scolds. "And that's why I'll tell them no" He mumbles.

"Can she come?" She asks. "She could, but I want her to be a normal kid Y'know?" He adds. "I can't just have you gone for 18 months" She spat.

"I know, i know, it's huge but I'm not rushing y'all into things, I can tell them no" He explains. "Tell them yes" She mumbles. "Huh?"

"Tell them yes, and we'll ride along" She explains. "Your sure? I'm not gonna force this on you" He asks.
"I'm sure, just make sure our bus is private and has space for Madison" She adds.

"Thank you so much, I'll make sure everything is perfect" He mentions kissing her softly and walking outside.
Scarlett sighs as she processes the news.

And there she was on a tour with her 7 month old daughter driving to Mississippi.
She sits with Madison in her lap wrapped in a blanket as they drive down the bustling highway.

"You alright?" Morgan asks situating himself next to her. "I'm fine" She replies. "Daddy!" Madison mumbles.
Scarlett and Morgan's faces turn to shock as they stare at her.

"Did she just?" She stutters. "She did" He replies. "Say Daddy!" She says. "Da- Daddy!" Madison shouts.
Morgan smiles and kisses Scarlett. "Good job baby girl" He says picking Madison up and smiling.

Scarlett smiles at them as they pull into the venue. "I'm extremely tired Morgan, I'm gonna stay in and nap" Scarlett states. "That's okay, just lock the door and call if you need me" he says kissing her softly.

Tour went well and they finally arrived home. Scarlett never thought she'd be back with Morgan, Married in fact.
Guess things change, just like the summer heat changes too cold.

I think this is the end! Hope y'all enjoyed it. It was so fun to write! I'm working on another book called "Holy smokes (the new girl series)" if y'all wanna check it out.

Thank you for the support! Ily guys!


-Kylie <3

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