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Tour has almost concluded and Scarlett is packing up some audio equipment. She recently hurt her back so Micheal, Morgan and the rest of the team have been over protective over her.

"Woah there! Let me help" Morgan insisted grabbing the box she was about to pick up. "Can you let me do stuff? I'm fine" She argued.

"Nuh uh, Doctor said no heavy lifting" He replied. She rolled her eyes and continued packing equipment.
She attempts to pick up another box but fails due to the sharp pain in her back.

"Shit!" She groaned laying on the floor. "You ok?" Morgan asks walking over and positioning himself behind her as he held her still.

"My back, I hurt it again I think" She stuttered fighting tears. "Breathe, It'll be alright" He instructs gently stroking her forehead with his thumb.

He gently picked her up and took her to his break room. "Just lay here, try and stay still okay?" She nods her head.
He reached his hand out and she held it.

He rubbed the back of her hand gently with his thumb as she relaxed. "Thank you" She whispered, slowly turning her head towards him.

"Anytime Scar" He replied. After making sure she was ok he left and performed his set. She mustered enough strength to walk to her bus and take a shower.

She hears a knock at the door and answers. "Hey" Morgan muttered with a smile. "Hey, you need somethin?" She asked, her hair in a messy bun glasses resting on her nose.

"Nope, just checkin on ya" he replied. "I'm good, wanna come in?" She offers he agrees and walks in.
"Just a warning it's messy, watch out" She suggests dodging a box full of paper.

"What're all the papers?" He asks. "Your shit, tour planning takes lots of paperwork" She replied stirring a pot of tea.

"Since when do you drink hot tea?" He joked. "It ain't gonna be hot once ya put it on ice" she replies. She sits next to him and opens her computer to check her emails.

Morgan's phone pings and Scarlett of course is nosey and looks over. "Who's that?" She asks.

"Gracie, a girl I met at the bar the other day" He muttered Scarlett's face dropped.


She got up and went to the bathroom.

She was right.

He'd moved on.

"You ok?" He asked softly knocking on the door. "Mmhm" she muttered as she opened the door.

"I'll let you sleep, goodnight scar" He said opening his arms for a hug. "Goodnight" she gave him a half ass hug.
He walked out and she locked the door.

She wakes up the next morning and heads to soundcheck. Completely in business mode, she wasn't gonna let Morgan's new love fling get to her.

She walks around doing task after task to keep herself busy. "Hey scar! You look busy" Micheal exclaims following her around as she finishes her chores.

"I am" she replies as she walks from room to room. "Woah slow down" Micheal says grabbing her shoulder.
"Micheal I'm busy stop it" she snapped. Micheal walked away.

"Is scar good? She's real snappy today" Micheal asks Morgan. "Haven't talked to her today, I can ask?" He offers.
"I wouldn't, she might kill you" Micheal suggests.

Gracie a tall skinny blonde woman with a designer purse walks in and taps on Scarlett. "Mmhm?" She asks.
"Hey, where's Morgan?" She asks. "Down the hall" Scarlett knew who she was.

Scarlett walks in to get Morgan ready to hit the stage. "Wallen, let's go!" She called motioning for him to come.
"Wallen?" He questions and walks over.

She fixes his earpiece and straightens his jacket collar. "guitar, microphone, go get 'em" she instructs quickly patting his shoulder and looking over the set list.

"Scar, what's the rush? You o-"

"Go! Your on!" She shouts nudging him towards the stage. He looks confusedly and reluctantly runs out on stage.

Scarlett walked over and accidentally bumped into Gracie making her drop her designer bag.
"Ugh! That's Gucci! Watch where your going!" She shouts.

Scarlett rolls her eyes trying her best not to punch this woman. She walks off until Morgan's set finishes and grabs his guitar.

"Earpiece" she instructed holding her hand out. He hands it to her as she zipped up his guitar case and handed it to him. "You've got an interview, don't be late" she stated handing him a bottle of water.

"You alrigh-"

"Yes, now go Morgan Wallen shouldn't be late to his interviews" She cut him off quickly gathering her things and walking to the meet and greet area.

"Micheal! Come here!" She shouts. Micheal runs over. "Yeah?"

"They want you to do an interview, you down?" She asks. He shakes his head and sits down.

Morgan walks over after finishing his interview to watch Micheal. Scarlett was so focused she hardly even acknowledged him.

Gracie walks over and sits on Morgan's lap as Scarlett took notes on the interview. Micheal finishes and walks over towards Scarlett.

"Alright, did I do good?" He asks. "You sure did, just need a couple media training classes" She reassures.
"Y'all wanna go out for some drinks?" Morgan suggests.

Scarlett couldn't wait to see this city girl drink her little fruit drink. "Of course" she replies throwing her Carhartt jacket over her shoulders and grabbing her wrangler purse.

They arrive and Scarlett hops onto one of the barstools next to Micheal. "Jack straight please" She ordered.
"Uhmm, I'll have a cherry margarita on the rocks, and can I get salt around the rim? Thanks" Gracie ordered.

Scarlett chuckled under her breath. Micheal gave her a look that said 'hold it together' because he was holding back laughter too.

"I'll have jack straight, and can we get a round of shots?" Morgan ordered.

"I don't do shots, just take mine off thanks" Gracie suggested stirring her margarita. The shots arrive and Scarlett quickly grabs hers reaching out for a cheers.

"Cheers to Morgan's tour!" The glasses clink and Scarlett downs her shot. The burn in her throat made her shiver.
"Hell yeah!" She shouted.

"Oh my gosh karaoke! Get your ass up there Micheal" Scarlett nudges his arm. "Only if you come" he grinned.
"Screw it"

They made their way to the small stage. The intro to "islands in the stream" played and Micheal and Scarlett sung their hearts out.

"Haha! We sounded like shit" Scarlett chuckled. "For sure" Micheal laughed. They sat back down and Morgan laughed.

Gracie acted like she was out of place. Fitting...

"Alright y'all let's head out" Morgan suggests Scarlett and Micheal follow. Gracie made her way to the truck almost tripping over her 3 inch heels.

Scarlett and Micheal fighting laughter behind her.

There was a major difference between Scarlett and Gracie.

Gracie grabbed the aux cord and plugged in her phone. The intro to "love story" by Taylor swift started to play.
Scarlett and Micheal gave eachother the same look. Once again fighting laughter.

Morgan looked in the rear view at Scarlett who was texting on her phone. He messed up big time.

"You gonna miss our turn?" Micheal says snapping Morgan out of whatever trance he was in prior. "Shit!" He shouts swerving into there parking lot.

Scarlett laughed and asked him where he got his drivers license. Gracie on the other hand flinched and held onto the dash.

She was not a match for him.

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