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And just like that Ernest's tour was about to start. Scarlett walks onto the bus with her bags and checklist.
"Everyone listen up! We're doin role call!" She shouts.

"Ernest? Chase? Randy? Jared? Seth?" They all responded and she walked off to check the next bus.

"Morgan? Micheal? Myself?" She teases. "Alright! Let's get this show on the road folks!" She shouts excitedly checking off a mark on her checklist.

She sits down in the bus that's housing, her, Micheal, Morgan, and if Caleigh joins in the middle she can stay too.
She sits down at the tiny counter finishing the last bit of paperwork for tour.

She smiles as the sights zoom by on the highway, the sunlight beaming in the window as she works. She was genuinely excited for this tour.

After all that had happened in Knoxville and Nashville throughout the month she needed a getaway.
They arrive and Scarlett is in full business mode. She runs around making sure everything is done and everyone is there.

Morgan walks up and places his hands on her shoulders. "Slow down baby, you've been workin nonstop" he suggests kissing her cheek as she sorts papers.

"It's my job Morgan, and I'm enjoying it" She replies. "Your doin a good job, glad I get to come with" he says rubbing her middle gently. "Last tour you and I were on we were fightin and you had that city slicker girlfriend"
She teases.

"I remember, she couldn't even shoot whiskey like you" he laughs. "That's what having a country girl gets ya" she replies walking over to Ernest.

He's nervous so she walks over to ease his mind. "Hey, you'll do great, and remember it's your moment, make it count" she reassures sending him out on stage.

"I'm so happy to be back" Scarlett spoke looking around at the familiar atmosphere of the backstage.
Dressing rooms, audio equipment, guitars, everything was so familiar and homey for her.

She'd always dreamed of writing her own music but she never did, she just helped Morgan and Micheal write and they did all the singing.

She wrote some breakup songs for fun but never decided to record them. They were all stashed in her notebook which she left in the bus with Morgan and Micheal.

She walks over to grab it and Morgan and Micheal are reading it. "Scarlett Hanson, get your butt in the recording studio right now" Micheal jokes. "Baby, when did you write these? These are hits!" Morgan exclaims.

"Thanks but, I don't sing, I figured I'd give those songs away" She replies. "You can't just give theses away! Scarlett these songs are unlike anything I've written before!" Micheal exclaims playfully elbowing her.

"Don't elbow her" Morgan scolds. Micheal sits down. "And you do sing, we sung so many gigs together before we went our separate ways" Morgan says.

"We did, almost forgot those"

It was a Friday night and Morgan had a gig at a local festival going on in town. Scarlett agreed to sing a duet with him since they sung all the time together, a crowd formed around the empty stage that they would be performing on shortly. Scarlett wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans and puts her guitar over her head,
"Nervous?" She asks. "A little, you?" He replies, "very I'm about to throw up" she jokes, "don't be, you'll kill it" he assures as they call their names out to stage. "Morgan Wallen! And Scarlett Hanson!" The announcer calls.
Scarlett hesitates while Morgan walks out. He looks into the wings where Scarlett is and motions for her.
"One second! I forgot my guitar pick! I'd lose my head if it weren't on my neck!" Morgan jokes making the crowd laugh as he runs to Scarlett. "I can't Morgan, I really cant" she stutters, Morgan puts his arm around her.
"Yes you can scar, don't get cold feet now" he teases. She takes a breath and makes her way out to the stage Morgan holding her hand until they made it to the microphone. "Alright! Looks like we're ready! If y'all know it sing along" Morgan says, Scarlett adjusts her microphone and takes a breath. Morgan plays the intro to 'neon moon' and he starts to sing, the crowd is loving them, cheering and singing along. As Scarlett starts to harmonize the crowd gets louder. Morgan grins at Scarlett as they sing. They finish and walk off.
"That was amazing scar, me and you might be Kenny and dolly one day" he says rubbing her shoulder.
"Maybe" she replies.

"Why don't you try and record these scar?" Micheal asks. "I don't know, I just think I'm better off writing" She replies. "I think they'd sound great baby, you should record them and see where it takes you" Morgan suggests rubbing her shoulders.

"I just don't know Morgan I-" she stutters. "No pressure, just think about it" he replies. He kisses her gently and walks out with Micheal.

Her phone rings and she answers. "Hello?"

"Hey sweetheart! It's Lesli, just wanted to see how you are doing, I couldn't get Morgan"

"Hey Lesli! I'm doing great so is Morgan, how are you?"

"I'm good honey, tell Morgan I'm coming to the show tomorrow I'm excited to see Ernest and Micheal"

"That's great! We've got an extra bed in our bus that Caleigh sleeps in sometimes but she's not here so you've got a place if you need one"

"Thank you sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Cya tomorrow!"

"I love you, and tell Morgan I love him too"

"I will bye!"

She hangs up the phone and walks out the door towards the stage where Ernest had just finished performing.
"Great show! I told ya you'd do good!" She says patting his shoulder.

"Thanks, it felt good" Ernest replies. "What do y'all say we go get some drinks to celebrate?" Micheal suggests.
"Hell yeah!" Morgan shouts, Scarlett agrees.

They had a great night of fun and dancing. This tour was gonna be great.

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