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Scarlett is walking down the sidewalk when she bumps into a familiar face. "Scarlett?" The woman asks.
"Harley?" She replies. "Oh my lord! I seen you on all kinds of tours! How are things goin?" She asks.

"Great! How are things for you?" She asks. "Well, I got pregnant and fired, but I'm happy now" she replies catching Scarlett off guard. "Wow, you plan on doing tours still?" She asks.

"Nope, just paperwork, I never was good at planning tours like you were" she replies. Scarlett smiles as her boyfriend walks over. "I better get going, it was amazing seeing you!" She says giving her a hug.

"You too! Maybe we can go out for supper sometime" Scarlett says as she walks away. "That sounds great!"
Scarlett makes her way back to the studio and sits next to Morgan who just finished recording.

He silently greets her as Micheal is in the booth. A wave of nausea hits her and she walks outside.
This has been happening for a couple days but she hasn't told Morgan.

She gets a text from Morgan asking if she's okay. She replies and tells him she's fine.
She walks back in and sits back down.

"You good?" Micheal asks looking at her pale face. "I'm fine" she mutters laying back on the chair.
Morgan's face is etched with concern as he strums his guitar.

He pulls her out of the room while Micheal records and takes her to his office. "Your not fine, what's going on?"
He asks. "I don't know! I just got nauseous!" She argues.

"You can go home, you need to rest" he says. "I need to get stuff done though, I can't just leave" She argues.
"Go" he demands walking her outside.

She agrees and goes home.

Later that night Scarlett felt a wave of nauseousness come over her and she runs to the bathroom.
Morgan groans sitting up and walking to the bathroom.

"You ok?" He asks holding her hair back as she empties the food she ate earlier. "I'm, fine" she says before coughing and throwing up again.

He sighs and rubs her back gently. He starts the shower and helps her get in before going downstairs to make her some tea.

He thinks for a second before googling pregnancy symptoms. "Oh god.." he mumbles as he takes the tea to her.
She lays in the bed happily taking the tea. "Thank you" she mutters taking a sip.

"Have you been throwing up like that a lot?" He asks. "Just for a couple days" she replies completely oblivious to his point.

"Scarlett, that intense round we had a couple weeks ago, ring a bell?" He asks, her face goes blank.
"No, I can't be can I?" She asks, now concerned. "You could.." he spoke.

"Shit..." she mumbles grabbing her keys. "Where you goin?" He asks. "To get a test, where else would I be goin?" She replies. "Scarlett, it's 3am" he explains.

"Well shit..." she mumbles. "Just wait until the morning" he mentions. "Well I can't sleep now that I might be pregnant" she snaps. "No need for hostility baby" he teases earning himself an eye roll.

She sits next to him searching the nearest pharmacy open time as she stressed. "Relax baby, your tense as hell and it's scaring me" he teasingly explains.

She slightly laughs relaxing as best as she can as she tries to fall asleep. After tossing and turning all night the pair made their way to the pharmacy five minutes before they opened.

Scarlett put her hood over her head and quickly bought the tests. Her leg bounces up and down as Morgan drives.
"Drive faster!" She snaps. "Damn! Stop hollering! I'm already going five over the speed limit!" He argues.

"Oh my god! Why today out of all days!" Morgan exclaims pulling over for the cop that blared his lights at them.
Scarlett sighs putting her hand on her head as she stared out the window.

"Wait! Look distressed I'll tell 'em we're taking you too the hospital" he suggests. "I am distressed! I don't need to act!" She snaps.

The cop walks up and orders his window down. "You know how fast you were goin back there buddy?" He asks.
"I'm sorry man, I had to get my wife to the hospital" He pleads.

"Is everyone alright?" He asks. "Yeah she'll be fine I think, she just had a little accident" he replies.
"Alright, I'll let ya off with a warning this time, y'all be safe" he says walking back to his car.

"Thank god" Scarlett mumbles as they start to drive again. "He believed it, wow" they made it home and Scarlett ran to the bathroom and took a test. She laid it on the counter and walked out pacing the hall.

"Hey, calm down, it's gonna be okay" Morgan reassures. "No it's not!" She snaps, morgan stands in shock.
She regrets it immediately. "Sorry, I'm stressing and I'm taking it out on you"

"It's fine, I get it" he assures. She leans on his shoulder and he strokes her hair gently. "Now, let's check it, together okay?" He says, she nods as they walk over to the counter.

"Okay, 3,2,1, go!" Scarlet exclaims looking at the test.

"It's- it's, Negative.." she mumbles. "It's what?" He asks looking at the test. "Negative.." Scarlett repeats.
"Take another, sometimes they aren't right" He suggests she agrees and takes another one.

"Can I ask you something?" He says she turns around. "Hm?"

"How did you feel about that just a second ago?" He asks. "Well, I was upset, but why?" She asks.
"You stressed, and worried, but you wanted it all along" He says making her laugh slightly.

"Guess so, sorry I was so angry at you" She apologizes as they walk in to check the second test.
"Okay, 3,2,1" They lift the test and Scarlett excitedly smiles.

"Oh my god!" She shouts hugging Morgan. "Your pregnant!" He shouts kissing her softly. The excitement was unreal as she jumped up and down.

"I love you so much" He mutters rubbing his nose on hers.

"I love you too"

7 summers :Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now