Bonus Chapter: Your Luck

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Somewhere around Shinjuku

"You're in luck."

Your guest said as he returned to your vehicle, leaned himself comfortably on the car exterior next to where you stood.

"The customer hasn't taken the order yet," he continued.

A light smile graced your expression as you placed yourself next to him, leaning on your car with eyes staring straight to the night sky. It was clear and dark, with only a light from the crescent moon glowing softly up above. The stars twinkling shyly, as if knowing that they could not outshine the colorful neon lights in the cityscape.

Luck, huh...? You rarely viewed yourself as a lucky person. With all that happened in your past - with your family, your loved one, and especially him - you were sure that luck was never on your side. At least, that was what you believed before you joined Toman.

Toman was your luck.
No, it was more than that.

Toman was your salvation.
And Sano Manjiro was your savior.

A faint smell of tobacco invaded your nose, making you turn your head to the source of the scent. It was your guest, fiddling with his phone with a lit cigarette between his lips. The smoke lingered around him like a thin veil of secrets, drowning you in your thoughts about him.

He was to Black Dragon what Ryuguji Ken was to Toman: a loyal, level-headed right-hand-man who were unrivaled in strength - second only to their Presidents. But different from Draken who was more vocal to his rather-carefree President, he was relatively quiet, trusting and supporting the judgment of his President - to the point of Yuzuha's occasional complaint: "I wish he'd be more expressive!" With only less than sufficient times of encounter, you weren't particularly close to him. And even before tonight's meeting, you had assumed it would be challenging to extract any information from him. However, his responses tonight proved you otherwise. He was far more helpful - and talkative - than you had initially thought.

"Hope you don't mind me smoking," he noticed your stare.

"Not at all," your tone assuring. "I'm used to working with Hanma-fukutaichou."

"Ah, that guy's a chimney," he said, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "He lucky to have that Alpha genes, otherwise all that heavy smoking would've really taken a toll on his body."

His reply piqued your interest. "Do you envy them, Captain?"

He sighed. "'Inui' is fine, (y/n)-san."

"Then, do you envy them, Inui-san?"

"Alphas you mean?" he clarified. You nodded.

Silence seeped in as he inhaled his cigarette, orange ember glowed in the night.

"No." Just a short answer between curling smoke around his head.

"That's quite a rare answer from a Beta."

"Well, maybe I did when I was younger. But I realize that while being an Alpha entitled you with power and respect, it doesn't necessarily translate to more luck. Case in point," he lightly tapped your car. "the Alpha who modified your car."

A soft laugh escaped your lips. Your Mazda 6, now in polymetal grey, was courtesy of Sano Shinichiro of SS MOTORS. That night after you dropped Kisaki in TRUNK HOTEL to create his alibi, you enlisted his help to get rid of any evidence tying you and the Sixth Division Captain to the warehouse. A caring person that he was, he spent the whole night working on your car, repainting the exterior and cleaning the interior, making sure to keep you safe from the law enforcement.

The first-born of Sano family was an interesting phenomenon. Despite the Alpha gene, he always had trouble when it came to romance and women. At the age nearing 40 years old, the raven-haired man still had not find a mate, giving headache to his three siblings, especially to the youngest Sano Emma. But watching his interaction with his little gang of four - Akashi Takeomi, Arashi Keizo, Imaushi Wakasa, and himself - during your early years of joining Toman, you were almost certain that there were sparks between the Alpha founder of Black Dragon and the Omega White Leopard

"Speaking about luck," Inui's voice brought your attention back to him. "how long do you plan to wait here?"

"As long as it takes," your answer certain.

"It may take the whole night."

"Possibly. But if I'm lucky, maybe -"

Your words trailed off abruptly. Your irises widened before your expression grew dark and stern. Inui noticed your sudden change of behavior and followed your line of sight. Soon, the confusion on his face shifted to realization. He straightened up, jaw tightened with focus as he put off his cigarette.

Maybe luck was on your side tonight.

In front of the coin locker, not far a distance away from both of you, a young woman stood by, facing the top left locker. Her body language stiff and anxiety visible, like a lost lamb stepping onto valley of darkness. She glanced left and right before pressing the numbers in the keypad. As she entered the last number, the locker's mechanism clicked open with a quiet creak.

"It's her." Inui whispered.

Still on high alert, the customer pulled out a brown envelop from her tote bag, placed it inside the same locker, and hurriedly shut the locker door, completely ignorant of the presence of two figures observing her every move.

"So what's next?" Inui asked with low voice, eyes kept to the woman who was now busy texting with her phone. "She'll leave soon."

You let out a silent sigh.

The time had come.
To draw out your forgotten persona.
One that you wished you never have.

"Do as I do, and don't question what I do."


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